Movie Night Aftermath

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JULY 19, 7:16 EDT

Ephyra was currently sitting on the stool while Sean was cooking breakfast. Her mind had definitely been blown ("blown" being a drastic understatement). She wasn't sure how she could love and hate something so much, simultaneously.

Her hands were clasped at her forehead on her hairline, so she was pulling her hair back a bit. Sean just laughed a little while he scrambled eggs in one pan before using his spatula to flip the bacon in another.

"I-I'm sorry...I" She exclaims. "Four through six were amazing, and for one through three, the...." She repeatedly snapped her fingers at him due to a loss for the word and Sean grinned.


"CGI!" She said stopping the snapping of her fingers and slammed her palm on the island. "The CGI, was amazing for one through three, but...the storyline, just...what? The Jedi were so blind! And how can someone not have relationships just because of the force? If anything it should just make them feel stronger and more powerful – dedicated to protecting their loved ones!"

Sean shrugged as he tipped a few pieces of bacon and allowed them to sizzle, "Well what they're trying to say is that having people you love in your life was dangerous because it causes distractions. Your mind would wander on missions, or seeing beings that remind you of your own family can cause homesickness and that can result fatal for not just themselves but everyone around them if their head isn't in the game." He checks on the eggs and lifts the pan as he divides them onto two plates. "Also, if you think about it, it makes sense in having that rule. Anakin proved it because he went to the Dark Side over some girl. That's their point, love is too strong and clouds your mind in the ways of the force to where eventually you'll do anything for the person and lose yourself little by little along the way. Unless you're as powerful as Yoda and Windu, you shouldn't have relationships. So rather than give the privilege to the only ones with amazing self-control, they take away the choice entirely."

He smirked at her pout. "Okay think of the heroes we have today, doll," he says putting a hand on his hip. "Do you see Superman with someone, let alone flaunting the possibility of having someone he cares for? What about others like Wonder Woman or Batman? They have to protect themselves and the people they care for and sometimes that means not getting the desires they wish for, from the ones they hold most dear."

Ephyra huffs as he sets a plate in a front of her and one next to her for himself. "I still say it's stupid. The worse part was how Padme 'lost the will to live'," she said making quotation marks with her fingers. "I mean are you kidding me? You just had children and claim to feel such love for them but yet you're going to just die? And if that's such an advanced time shouldn't there be technology available to save someone from something as stupid as that?"

Sean shrugs, "Not really; if someone no longer wishes to stay in the world then no one can really stop them from doing so."

"Seriously? She lost the will to live over a guy who she loved, but seems to be forgetting the fact that he tried choking her and admitted to killing little kids! She wants to die over a guy like that?" She rolls her eyes, "Honestly, him admitting his little massacre with the sand people was bad enough; she should have left after that."

She takes a breath from her rant, "And lastly, Lucas should have been more involved in the first three films. The storyline doesn't match up," she says as Sean brings over the skillet and sets down four pieces of bacon on her plate and four on his before putting it back on the stove. He goes over to the cabinet and gets two glasses for juice. "Leia said she remembered her mother but they were literally newborns, so how could she even tell that her mom was sad? Even if she did remember, it's still not possible because out of the two of them, Luke should have remembered her because Padme touched him, not her." She pauses as she notices Sean sitting down and sliding her a cup of juice, a smirk on his face. "I see this is just amusing to you," she says dryly, glaring at him.

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