New Problem, Part 1

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JULY 27, 10:01

Ephyra sat on her bed with her legs crossed.

The past several days had been interesting to say the least. She had spent the rest of the afternoon with the team, relaxing and bonding. Three problems had occurred: her new name and life, her new guardian, and her fellow clone was a bit distant, even from her (the first two were the cause of the third). She now wished she'd kept her mouth shut. . .


JULY 23, 10:01 EDT

Everyone was laughing at a recent story told by their newest teammate, Flamewalker, concerning him at the age of two when he lit his first fire on his bed sheets and how his parents reacted when they discovered him all but snoring amongst the flames.

Wally laughed, "Best story ever!"

M'Gann was giggling as well. "Did your father really scream that high?"

Flamewalker laughed, "I swear he did - like a dude singing opera."

They were all sitting in the living room; Robin and Flamewalker sitting on the floor by the coffee table. Wally, Ephyra, and Kaldur'ahm to his left sharing a couch, while M'Gann and Superboy shared the one across from them.

Superboy had a straight face and Ephyra shared a similar one. The laughter from everyone, excluding the clones and Aqualad (he was smiling), ensued again at his words.

"Wish you'd known how to videotape then," Robin said in a wistful tone.

Flamewalker shrugged and heaved a sigh of mock regret. "Yeah, would have been nice to look back at."

"Could've made a mix tape out of the scream," Wally added in helpfully, causing Flamewalker to chuckle a bit.

Ephyra tilted her head and crossed one leg over the other, while her arms crossed her chest and she eyed her teammate thoughtfully, and noticed out of the corner of her eye that Superboy was doing the same thing - assessing an unknown variable.

"You guys okay?"

Ephyra blinks a few times and realizes that the others were staring at her and Superboy.

She leaned back into the couch maintaining her position.

"How do you know Wally and Robin," asked Superboy, his tone clearly deadpan.

Flamewalker looked a bit confused at the sharp turn onto a new topic. "Oh um...we met when I first began my superhero gig. I was in Central City with my mother, visiting my godmother, and went out for lunch. A bank was robbed nearby and I intercepted the robbers outside the store. I ran into Kid Flash and the Flash, and thus I was acquainted," he said, before adding, "Robin and I met a bit later through Kid, and we did a few patrols here and there and ta-da, I'm in the loop." He rested an arm up on the coffee table. "My parents agreed as long as I kept my grades up. I'm trying to get my mother into the gig now."

M'Gann looked bright. "She has powers too?"

He nods with a smile. "Yup," he says leaning back and pulling up the hem of his shirt until it was held up a bit higher than his collarbones.

A red dragon tattoo in the form of a dragon was plastered on his skin. It started with the dragon's head, which covered his chest, before in a slithering motion, went down to his belly button with a slightly way tail.

"It's a birthmark that appears only on a person of my mother's lineage."

The team peered at his birthmark and Wally whistled. "Sweet - wait so this power is inherited? Cool! That means your entire family must be like a fire-wielding squad."

Flamewalker shakes his head and Robin sighs. "Wally you really need to listen to explanations." He glanced around at his teammates, "The gene is passed down to usually one family member of each generation. If there's more than one of the new generation, that means that usually only one of them gets the power, while others are lucky to get minor abilities if any at all."

"Exactly," Flamewalker says. "My mother didn't have any siblings, but her mother - my grandmother - did. My grandmother had the power and she had a brother. He wasn't able to have the more dominant genes of the power, nor the tattoo - it's necessary for any fire power to work - but he was able to withstand a certain degree of heat. The highest he was able to do was walking on coals."

"Hardcore," Wally remarks.

Flamewalker grins, "Totally."

Ephyra rolls her eyes. "You two are clearly made for each other," she says with an exasperated sigh, "and I thought one was bad."

"You know you like it babe," he said waggling his eyebrows and Ephyra's eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Don't. Call me that," she all but growls. "Or we'll see how fast you really are when your life is endangered."

He scoffs, "Hel-lo - I do that as an extracurricular activity," he says gesturing around at the cave and his teammates. "You do the same thing too babe, so this shouldn't be new to you."

Immediately Ephyra rose and the speedster was already behind the couch looking a bit scared. Superboy just laughed and Ephyra sat back down still glaring.

Flamewalker looked amused before looking at Ephyra. "So what are your names?" At their blank looks he elaborates. "Your civilian names, I mean."

"We don't have one," Superboy said at the same time Ephyra said, "Trinity".

Both clones glanced at each other, both startled, but only one was filled with confusion and slight anger while the other held with guilt.

"Oh Ephyra - sorry Trinity - that's wonderful!" M'Gann squealed. "When were you going to say something?"

Ephyra forced herself to look at her teammates that were in front of her, but could feel Superboy's gaze burning into her. She cleared her throat suddenly feeling all the moisture leave it.

"After I could remember it - it's no big deal." A lie - Superboy could probably tell from her uneven heartbeat. Of course it mattered. Why else would she go through all the trouble to ask Ted to be her guardian?

"Of course it is! You're fitting into society now, to blend in with everyone," she says gleefully.

"'Bout time," remarked Wally.

Aqualad gave her warm smile. "The name suits you."

If it weren't for the rage she could feel from Superboy, she would have felt butterflies. It's also possible there had been butterflies but they'd frozen over and turned to stones, dropping like weights in her belly.

"Care to expose the full name?" Robin asked.

"Trinity Blue Grant." Her voice definitely wasn't as breezy and proud as it had been when she'd first answered Flamewalker; now it was small and guilty.

"Nice," Robin says.

M'Gann claps her hands a little. "Kaldur is right, it does suit you."

Flamewalker smiles, "Gotta agree; I'm Seong-Jae."

"Finally," Wally said exhaling, "I can call you SJ without looking crazy."

"We'll still look at you crazy - just not for that reason," Robin says smugly.

The boys drift into an argument with Wally indignantly trying to defend himself.

Superboy looked at her with strong emotions in his eyes. Why?

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