Apologies & Understanding

542 24 10

JULY 30, 17:29 EDT

"Recognized: Ephyra B05."

Ephyra walked out of the zeta beam and stretched rotating her arm a bit, before she heard a dolphin's whistle and distinctive happy clicks.

She had on yoga pants and sports bra to suffice for her shirt; a yoga bag slung over her shoulder from her session she had earlier with Black Canary. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail; her distinctive blonde streak in her hair, was left to hang around her face, as a bang.

She decided to go to the beach on top of the hill and relax there too, but not before checking on Hector. How he even found out where the cave was she had no idea.

She walked through the halls until it opened up into a large room where she saw Hector with the last person she'd expected to see for a while: Superboy.

She hadn't spoken to or seen her fellow clone since their last mission a few days ago.

She'd spent two days in Themyscira to get a better understanding of her flight combat. She spent another day in Atlantis to get a better understanding of the kingdom's layout.

Today she'd just spent time with Black Canary and worked out in her apartment for an early yoga session, before eating out for a quick brunch.

Dinah also gave her advice to let them handle what school she would go to, but Ephyra had her own mindset on that.

She was sure the Justice League could pull strings to get the non-human members of the Team into schools, but she had a legal guardian, so it was technically up to Ted.

She decided she'd practice a few poses for yoga later that she enjoyed, or was having trouble with, and thought the top of the cave might have a better view and relaxing atmosphere.

Imagine her surprise at seeing Superboy with her dolphin.

To add to her bafflement, he wasn't grimacing, brooding, glaring, grunting, or anything else that came close to Superboy mannerisms. He was just smiling - scratch that - laughing; smiling and laughing.

She felt a sudden urge to thrash the body snatcher (Sean had been doing some more intros to movies over their time together) who had taken over Superboy.

Rather than making matters worse or awkward, she just snuck up until she was at the top of the small set of steps that led down to the water's edge, where Superboy stood waste deep rubbing Hector's back, while the dolphin cooed.

"He really likes to be rubbed on his head, but at a drift to the side."

Superboy jumped and glanced back at her. She couldn't read the emotion in his face but she was relieved to see no sign of anger or disappoint - of course that could be hidden beneath the veil of undetectable emotion.

"Just don't try and roll him unless he does so on his own, or he'll bop you in the chest as hard as he can."

Superboy only continued to stare at her and a flash of anger, or maybe it was irritation, went through Ephyra.

She recalled the advice she'd been given and swallowed, shoving it down and didn't allow her emotion to reach her eyes or facial features. She just gave him a shrug before pivoting on her heel and walking to the corner of a cave where a door gave way through the rock and led out onto the beach.

It closed behind her and a moment later, Hector popped up in the water where she walked along the shore, before it turned rocky in one area.

She spread out her yoga mat and decided to do it on the shore rather than up at the top. Hector's company was welcomed and calming.

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