Schooled Part 1

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AUGUST 3, 07:38 EDT

Bruce Wayne had been busy checking his accounts, just to monitor out of curiosity. His thoughts were distracted, however, when he heard the sound of honking and screeching tires. The sound of metal scraping and crunching resulted in him rising from his seat to look out his stainless glass windows (benefits to owning the tall Wayne buildings, is eagle-eye view).

His gaze had found the school bus almost immediately. The second it was pushed over the edge – growing nearer and nearer to dangling status – he turned back to his desk and opened the gold figurine statue's head. A red button could be seen surrounded by a small portion of silver metallic. A single push and a drawer in his desk opened up to reveal his uniform. The dark gray color open to his gaze with the clear, signature black bat symbol on in the center.

Thunder sounded – at least that's what he sounded like when he broke the sound barrier.

Mr. Wayne turned from his desk, pausing in his mindset to suit up and eyed the bridge once more; right as the Man of Steel came rocketing forward, after breaking the sound barrier.

Superman, clad in his signature red and blue, went straight for the bridge. He swerved a little, not seeing to the bus first, but the stability of the bridge. He lost sight of him when he went under the bridge. He didn't miss how the extreme tremors settled, for the most part.

Bruce's eyes were still on the bus, unsure of how Superman intended to handle both. A smaller thundering sound took place, but it was heard none the less.

A moment later, Superboy was falling, or rather landing, from the sky. He hit the bridge hard, after hopping off of one of the structures standing high, and a few tremors took place once more. That didn't faze the teen clone as he took off straight towards, the bus, his hands latching onto the bumper of the bus, as he struggled to pull it backwards, away from the water that waited below (Bruce at this point had grabbed his specialized binoculars).

He hadn't noticed it before, but he realized, the boy had gone for a white car at first, which was also close to toppling over the edge, but he'd done an almost unnoticeable, change in course for the bus instead. His question was answered however when a girl with raven hair flew down from the sky.


She went straight for the white car Superboy had neglected and grabbed it by the bumper, pulling it back. When it was safely away from the edge she moved a couple other cars to safety, before spotting a struggling Superboy trying to pull the bus back. The vehicle was slipping forward, slowly dragging the Boy of Steel with it. As Ephyra closed in, Superboy slowly began taking steps back, finding firm ground.

His victory of saving the children was cut short as suddenly the bus lifted, to reveal Superman underneath.

Without realizing it, Bruce felt his shoulders, then his entire body, loosen. The threat was over; but that wasn't enough to make him put down the binoculars.

Once the bus was safely on the ground, he watched, Superboy get up, with a stiff posture – clearly agitated, and Ephyra, well...when didn't she look livid? She landed and strode up behind Superboy, her arms crossed over his chest as she eyed the Man of Steel coldly.

He wished he could hear, but he'd have to stick with body language for now – though he could tell the words weren't all friendly.

Ephyra was practically near growling like a feral beast.

The day had been decently normal until this debacle. Superboy had insisted on patrolling Metropolis. Despite his attitude towards Superman, she could tell he wanted his attention and for the life of her, she couldn't entirely understand why.

That brought her to now; glaring murderously at Superman while she strode up to him, behind Superboy.

"I had that," Superboy said coming to a stop in front of Superman, a few inches away.

For a moment she glanced over at the bus and noticed kids, and even the bus driver, were glued to the windows with awe-filled and wide-eyed expressions. She slightly regretted not wearing her superhero get up. Oh well, there was bound to be plenty of other girls with raven hair and blonde streaks, that wore Wonder Woman shirts and blue jeans, with black boots. She was torn from those thoughts as Superman's voice drew her back to reality, her gaze moving back to the clone and donor.

"I didn't want to the chance," Superman said levelly but there was very slight disdain in his voice. "As it is, your landing could have destabilized the entire bridge," he said disapprovingly.


"It didn't," Superboy replied in an indignant, but somehow, calm tone.

Superman's eyes only narrowed. "But it could have; we don't yet know the limits of your powers."

Suddenly any negative or hostile aura about Superboy dissipated. He tilted his eyed, eyeing the ground, "Well know..." – he said not entirely finishing his sentence as he looked back up at Superman – "help me figure that out." His tone was soft and gentle. She knew his eyes had to be imploring – she'd never seem pleading, that just wasn't her fellow clone's way.

Something in her popped, as if she felt sudden hope, when she saw Superman do the same movement – tilting his head and glancing away. That hope immediately evaporated as Superman looked back at Superboy, with a hard stare. "Batman's got that covered," he replies awkwardly, but in a final tone.

She could hear the faint beeping and knew it was an ear com when Superman reached up to press his ear with two fingers.

"Yeah, I know but – "

Superboy was cut off as Superman answered, completely ignoring the boy. "Superman," he answered.

He paused for a moment and turned to the side as whoever was on the other side spoke. "Wait, Arrow, slow down; what's attacking?" He paused once more. "No, I'm definitely available," he said turning away from Superboy entirely and looking out across the water from which he'd arrived. "Coordinates," he prompted, "Acknowledged; on my way."

Ephyra was glaring at Superman with flaming daggers in her eyes. Superman didn't seem to notice because his fingers fell away from his ear and he glanced back at Superboy.

"Sorry, Super, boy," he said awkwardly, pronouncing his name as if it was two separate words. "Duty calls," he says pivoting on one foot and levitating, before skyrocketing, smoothly, upward and away into the sky,
leaving Superboy to stare after him.


Bruce could only watch the interaction grimly as a conversation took place and the Man of Steel departed. He hadn't missed the look on Superboy's face either. He couldn't help but crack a smile either as Superboy caught Ephyra's ankle, as she had attempted to lunge, if not fly after, Superman.

At the least the boy wasn't completely alone.

He picked up his phone and pressed the numbers that made up Superman's zeta-tube verification. He held it to his ear and waited before it picked up.

"Already got the alert, Bruce," Superman said loftily with a determined edge, as if he hadn't just held up a bridge, a bus, and had an awkward conversation with his neglected clone.

"I know, Clark," Bruce replies, his gaze watching the Superman's red cape glide over the water. "But we need to talk," he says seriously.

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