Love at First Sight

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AUGUST 1, 20:00 EDT

Superboy rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet before forcing himself to stay still. "Are you sure about this," he asks a bit nervously.

"I didn't know our argument would have led to....this," he mutters uncomfortably.

"Superboy, relax. I'm only trying to help. You've said you feel left out and I want you to know that no matter what, I'll always be here for you, and for the times I'm not, you'll have others so you won't feel lonely."

"I met Wildcat - er - Ted. I thought that was the purpose. And I like him. Not to mention I'm allowed to punch things without getting in trouble," he replies.

The elevator door opens. "What if he doesn't like me?" He asks lowering his tone as they walked out and took a left, down the hall, to the only door.

"He will, don't worry. He's not a snob," she reassures him. "Just be yourself and you'll be fine," she says as she knocks on the door.

At his look of grimness she knew what he was thinking and spoke through their mind link.

Just because Superman doesn't like you as yourself, doesn't mean others will feel the same. Not everyone is that shallow and inconsiderate.

He glances at her and gives her a soft smile, to which she returns. If she hadn't known as much as she did, the faint look of doubt lingering in his eyes would have missed her observation.

There was no time to say more because the door unlocked and opened.

"Trinity, hey. Bought time you got here, the food is..." He trailed off as his eyes wandered to Superboy. "...getting...getting - sorry, you're..."

Trinity frowned at first at her friend's reaction before understanding at the dreamy look coming to into his hazel eyes.

"Sean this is," - her mind whirled as she struggled to come up with a name - "This is my brother."


She glanced at him curiously at where the name had suddenly come from, but didn't dare question it, not like she had anything better.

"Another last name," Sean asked curiously, though something else lingered in his tone. "Wait...isn't your last name Grant?" He asks, his eyes landing on Ephyra.

"Yeah...we're...we're," she scrambled to find the right word. "Half siblings. Sort of adopted..."

Sean raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Didn't know you were adopted suddenly?" Something caused his tone to come off edgy.

A quick shake of his head. "Never mind." He glanced at Superboy. "Nice to meet you, Kent," his tone had changed to one of smooth velvet and the dreamy look was returning to his eyes.

"Name suits you by the way, very....masculine," he says with a soft sigh.

Awkward silence sets in and Ephyra clears her throat. "Sean, weren't you saying something?"

"Mhm," was the humming response.


"Huh," he asked blinking, as if he was startled, his eyes finally torn away from Superboy, he was looking at her. At her wide-eyed, expectant look, he blinked in understanding. "Oh, right. Umm...Kent, I ordered some pizza, and feel free to help yourself to anything in the fridge."

Sean's wording made no sense; it sounded like he'd forgotten how to organize his words.

Superboy gave Ephyra an awkward look, before glancing back to Sean.


After his words he walked forward - Sean moving to the side to let him through - and went inside the condo.

Ephyra walked through and noticed Sean watching Superboy as he walked up the three small steps into the kitchen area. When he disappeared around the corner, the front door shut and Sean was suddenly in front of Ephyra, blocking her way to follow Superboy.

"Why didn't you tell me he's gorgeous?!" He whispered excitedly.

Ephyra frowned, "Uhm...what now?"

"Don't 'what' me," he says for a moment appearing faintly irritated. It only lasted a few seconds for his expressing melted back to dreamy and admiration. "He's like the perfect specimen!"

He glances over his shoulder to where Superboy had disappeared to. "So muscly and yummy," he says in a husky tone.

Ephyra frowned before a look of disgust went over her face. "Gross, Sean, that's my brother."

He raised an eyebrow, a hand coming to his hip. "Oh I'm sorry, did you call dibs? Didn't know adoptive children got down like that..."

Ephyra's frown deepened. Keeping track of his slams or metaphors was a bit difficult, but thanks to his lessons, she wasn't completely lost.

"No, no, Sean we're not together. I don't like him in that way. We're just really close and he's a bit cut off," she explained. "More so than me. He isn't used to being around people either, so your..."

"Attempts of seduction? Words of love? Sexy implications?" Sean rattled off curiously.

Ephyra blinked realizing her friend had fallen head over heels. All because of one look at him?

"...Advances," Ephyra replies warily. Part of her didn't want to dampen her friends sparky attitude, but he seemed to be forgetting, if just not knowing.

"Look, Sean," she began a bit hesitantly. "Kent isn't into guys...he's..." She paused looking for the right word.

"I believe the word you're looking for is straight, or heterosexual," Sean supplies helpfully, his tone now cool. "Damn, I knew he was too good to be true. That lovely strong and delicious voice, and that Greek God body."

A strong, loud him escaped Sean, as if he was savoring a scrumptious meal, and Ephyra couldn't help but smile.

"I get it, don't worry. But that won't stop my advances or my trying. I'll be subtle - stealth," he reassures Ephyra. He turns on the tail end of his words and walks to the kitchen, pausing as Ephyra follows after a shake of her head.

"And don't forget how irresistibly charming I am, doll," he says with a boyish grin. "I might just be able to make him fall for me," he says in a chipper tone before practically skipping the rest of his way to the kitchen.

Ephyra had stopped at his words and shook her head a again while trying to suppress her laughter. It didn't help when she overhead Sean's greeting words.

"See you like the pizza, huh, Kent?"

The part she found funny was Sean hadn't known Superboy was able to hear every single word they'd said to one another.

Ephyra...can you explain what all that was about?

Ephyra could only giggle at Superboy's words in her head.

And why is he sitting so close to me - human's normally blink every several seconds, right? Because he's not...

Ephyra walked to the steps, to head into the kitchen, amusement on her expression.

Just hang in there buddy.

Tonight would definitely be fun.

A/N: Sorry about it being so short.

As promised, we'll be onto the missions next chapter.

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