New Problem, Part 2

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Superboy looked at her with strong emotions in his eyes. "Why?"

Ephyra sneaked a glance at her clone, but his eyes didn't match the rage in his tone; they just looked a bit hurt.

I knew you'd get like this for one, and it honestly just slipped my mind.

Slipped your mind! He shouts over their mind link and she winces. You talked to me about this twice, as if you understood what I was feeling; that names weren't important. You told me that! Said that no matter what, our names were fine and that it didn't matter what others thought! We spoke on the phone about it!

Yes and if you'll recall I had shown signs of wanting a name then. Ephyra replied sharply. Jeez, I forgot to tell you about my new name. Is it really the end of the world? It's not like I'm changing, so what's the big deal?

The look he gave her was a mix of disbelief and something else that she couldn't recognize.

The fact that you have to ask that question shows that maybe despite this mind link, we're not as close as I thought.

Her eyes widened and her fists clenched. What is your problem? She snaps. I've been there for you, but suddenly I want a name and that means I don't care for you! Well maybe we definitely aren't close at all if you thought the shared aspect of not having a normal name was the main factor of our relation!

You want to know why I'm mad Ephyra? His look seemed to become harsher and the voice that filtered through was one of deep frigidity that she could hardly recognize. You want a name to fit in with some boy or regular people so you can easily gain the trust of some guy you've barely known for a month. On top of that, you already had three other people who have acted like mentors and guardians to you - two of which have already made you fit in right at home. Even with that, you still feel the need to have more. Me? I have no one aside from you and this Team. My donor won't even look at me, and when he does it's in disgust or hatred. But you have three, now four, people who act like a family to you. He gives a shrug, but his face doesn't change. Oh well I guess.

Ephyra felt something twinge in her heart and her stomach was twisting. The only reason I wanted a name was to fit in a bit better. I want to know the world without having to constantly thrust lies into it that don't allow me to live a life I want. I would like to experience all those things we saw in the images given to us by Cadmus. I want to experience them for myself - school for instance. I can't do any of that as a superhero. I was just trying to be normal, fit in a bit. She says before adding sharply. Not look for more guardians to surround myself to call family. They're just nice people I met along the way who were willing to help me out.

Huh - I suppose we aren't normal then. Forgot we're clones and to some that's just abnormal. He turns his head away.

Superboy -

Don't bother Trinity. He says her name in slight disgust. I'm not going to conform to normality just because you want to. I'll do so if or when I need to. I'm not in a talkative mood either.

A/N: So what do you guys think?

Is Superboy overreacting or was Ephyra in the wrong?

Perhaps this was a bit of an overreaction for a name, huh?

I hope you guys enjoyed it; don't be afraid to comment. I don't usually post so quickly, but consider this make up for my inability to post the chapters last Thursday and Friday. ^_^

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