Schooled Part 3

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AUGUST 3, 20:08 EDT

Ephyra was waiting with her teammates on their respective motorcycles. She was going to travel with Superboy and Robin, while the second trio would be made up of Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Miss Martian.

She felt it weird, rather than a simple coincidence that she wasn't with the trio that held her... "relational" interest (Aqualad). Not to mention Miss Martian wasn't with them – which of course she was grateful – where she could moon over Superboy. It wasn't a secret or in complex mystery that the young Martian had a crush, if not a certain liking to the young Kryptonian. Ephyra didn't approve – at all.

She brushed the thought off and heard less movement.

Finally, we'll be able to leave soon. She remarks to Superboy over their mind link.

Superboy glances at her with a smile, his helmet under his arm. It felt like he was going to respond, but something stopped him; she could see it in his face. He suddenly turned from his place on his bike, looking at a tree so intently, as if he could see through, which she knew he could. She wondered why and searched the various shrubs, until she glimpsed a couple pieces of blue and red, with some gold.

After a few heartbeats, he looked disgruntled, if not crestfallen, and looked away.


Why am I not surprised? She thought to herself out of the mind link. Some day – she would knock his head into a wall as hard as she could, and then some for causing Superboy to suffer through such turmoil.

Just ignore him. She announces over the mind link.

The trucks on the other side of the treeline and shrubs, began rumbling – the engines revved.

Ephyra waited. Superboy didn't respond.

With an internal sigh, she put on her helmet, and then waited until their assigned truck came into view, before revving her bike's engine, and rolling swiftly onto the street, tailing the truck; Superboy and Robin alongside her, were doing the same.

The trio went right, while the remainder of the team (the second trio) went left.

The journey was a couple hours along, when the sun started to set.

Superboy, still hadn't said a word.

Ephyra was in the middle of thinking of a way to get Superboy to answer her, so she could help, until Robin beat her to it.

"If 'dislike' is the opposite of 'like';" - unfornately it wasn't a topic that would calm Superboy; just more contradictions to the dictionary and thesaurus - "is 'disaster' the opposite of 'aster'?" Robin ponders aloud to them.

"See," he continues in explanation, "instead of things going wrong, they go right."

This time, Ephyra sighed externally. "Fascinating..." I murmured.

Silence was received on Superboy's end. If she didn't know him, she would have just assumed he was focused on the mission.

"Uh, clearly you're not feelin' the aster," Robin remarked helpfully.

Gee what clued you in? Ephyra thought, a bit irritably.

"What's wrong?" The Boy Wonder prompted.


Ephyra blinked, before glancing at her fellow clone. Okay, so maybe she didn't know him that well, as far as mind-reading went. It wasn't just Superman, but Canary; the second part confused her of course.

Young Justice: EphyraHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin