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Liza's POV

And you're still out of my reach and you're still all of the things that I want in my life how could I ask you to leave me?

By this point, I didn't know what I was doing, or why I was doing it. I had this dumb ass Idea that I could throw this weird surprise party for Bobby all the way across the country. The only reason I chose to drag Bobby all the way to Blackpool was because of a conversation we had a few days ago, it was so odd, the two of us were sat on the couch watching Duck tales, it was an episode where Scrooge took his nephews to some water park and I was so shocked when Bobby told me he had never been to a water park. 

I told myself that it would be cool to bring Bobby to Blackpool so that we can spend the weekend by Sandcastle water Park but I instantaneously regretted it when I saw his face when we walked into the room where Cameron, Luke, Olivia and Abigail were, I noticed how Matt realized what had happened to my lousy excuse of a party as he smirked at the situation.

I was so ashamed and I didn't know what else to do but try to make this trip somewhat enjoyable for Bobby, after all, it was his Birthday.

Saturday Morning and I haven't seen Bobby crack up a smile, I was so desperate to make him happy, by then it was an obsession to see him enjoy himself.

"I'm so in deep," I mumbled to myself on the breakfast table.

"What," Matt asked across the table, I rolled my eyes in response and went back to thinking to myself while sipping on my smoothie.

Matt, Cameron and I woke up earlier than the rest so we decided to check out the Hotels breakfast buffet before it closed, Luke and Olivia were probably doing unholy things while Abigail was just exhausted and Bobby was nowhere to be seen. The birthday boy was missing out all the fun, fun, this was anything but fun, I was so insanely stressed by the fact that I wasted so much money on this shitty trip. 

"Don't worry so much," Cameron rubbed my back," Bobby was never the one to enjoy his own birthday, he's probably having a hard time enjoying the effort you've put because he's used to not having anyone to celebrate with," that didn't make sense, why didn't anyone celebrate Bobby's birthday, and why did he hate it so much. 

"Thanks," even though It didn't make me feel better, he tried.

I looked over at Matt and he was frowning, he was playing around with his food, it made him look like a Zombie from the Walking dead™️.

"Do you know why he hates his birthday," I was specifically asking Matt, who didn't seem to pay attention to me or the words I spoke.


"Well," I dragged the L so that he would explain why exactly Bobby hated his birthday, but as if the gods didn't want me to ever understand why he feels the way he feels on his birthday, Bobby just had to sit down by the table at that exact moment.

But I didn't bother with it, I was busy being worried about Bobby, "Where were you?"

"I took a morning run."



"Just asking," it was so awkward you can smell it.

"The weather today is fantastic huh," Matt asked, I knew he was sarcastic and that he was just trying to lighten the mood but Bobby didn't say anything, all he did was stand up to grab a plate from the buffet.

"Do you think he'll find anything vegan?"

"No," Matt was so sassy today, I didn't want to deal with it but Matt was one of Bobby's best friends and if I was going to live with Bobby for the rest of college, it would make it way easier if I got along with his friends.

Speaking of which, I had four essays due yet I postponed all of them to throw this dead party. 

Bobby went off to get some food from the buffet and Matt and I decided to do the same, I took my plate and made my way to the hot plates with bacon, I noticed that Matt was going in the same direction so I stopped to turn around and make some clever remark about him following me but it didn't end well as he didn't seem to notice me stop and bumped right into me, causing the plates to fall onto the patterned carpet that caused the plates to land softly, but before I could fall the same way the plates did, Matt caught me by my waist. 

"This is where I kiss the girl right," It was obviously sarcasm, everyone one knew Matt was Asexual and that he doesn't like Boys or Girls. 

"Oh shush,"I got back up and picked up my plate, I was looking for someone that worked at the hotel so that they could take my plate but I found Bobby talking to a girl instead, they were stood by the salad bar probably talking about their diets but it oddly hurt, I frowned and I couldn't tear my eyes away from them. The girl was extremely pretty, Tan skin, Brown kinky hair, Tall, and she seemed extremely confident with her straight posture and hand movements. I was proud that people could be so beautiful but then again it made me feel so bad, I was pale, black hair, eye bags, average height and extremely basic, I wasn't special and I realized that. 

Matt caught on and patted my bag, "She's probably saying something like 'Oh yeah I work out too, and oh did you know carrots are good for your eyes' that's what they always say to him," I chuckled a bit but slapped his shoulder.

"That's mean."

"You're mean," he smiled at me and I smiled back.

I guess Matt wasn't as bad as I thought.

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