- thirty-three -

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Liza's POV

I'm dreaming 'bout those dreamy eyes

I never knew, I never knew but it's alright, alright

When Luke Clicked on the skype Icon I saw his name, and next to it was a green tick, which meant that he was online. Luke saw that too and wasted no time clicking his name and choosing to call him. 

When the call was finally connected and he accepted our call, his familiar green eyes, I knew I was home. He'd helped me so much and now it was my time to help him, he called me drunk, and he also called luke drunk. He wasn't the type of guy to get drunk, he said he'd put that in the past but something must have made him want to get drunk. That's why Luke and I were so concerned.

"Luke, hey there."

"And me," I stuck my head in the way so that he could see me too, I wasn't exactly showing on the screen, "luke do you mind moving a bit so he can see me too?"

I heard a few mumbling from Luke before he moved to the side.  I was trying my best to be in a position where I was comfortable but at the same time was able to be seen on screen,  when I saw myself on screen I also saw someone else. I saw him, I saw Michael. He was beautiful, his green eyes were sparkling even though he had bags underneath them. His hair was beautiful, it was blond and luscious, even though he didn't have much hair. Such a beautiful human being didn't deserve to have issues. 


Michael and I connect eyes and he seems genuinely happy until I look down embarrassed about the call I got the other day, even though he apologized I still didn't know if he was talking out of his ass or if it was him having drunk words but sober thoughts. I could tell that he knew what I was talking about since he looked down as well. 

Luke being oblivious as always changed the subject without even knowing he was somewhat saving us from an awkward catastrophe. 

"Michael you called us both, you called us both drunk."

Michael wasn't shocked at all that Luke and I called him to talk about him drinking the other night. Yet he wore a shocked face when Luke mentioned it so straight forward like.

"Yeah I guess I'm sorry about that," Michael Scratched the back of his neck, letting his eyes wonder everywhere but into our eyes. 

"Where are you guys?"

"Michael don't avoid this," I said to him with a motherly voice, I was worried and I wanted to know if Michael was going through something.

I heard Michael sigh and look down before he looked back up and looked at us in the eyes as if he was mentally asking if we really wanted to talk about this. Luke and I turned to each other then back at Michael with a look of confidence as if we were agreeing. 

"Alice," he breathed, a look of sadness was washed over his already unappealed face, "I love her I really do," that's when I remembered who Alice was, Michael mentioned her in our call, he said she was his girlfriend, in that moment I was just praying that he didn't get her pregnant, " She's cheating on me, I told her that I knew about it but she just says that I'm crazy or that I'm being jealous of nothing, but I saw it with my own eyes, we were at a friends house party and I walked in the wrong room at the wrong time," my heart dropped, poor Michael, "she hooked up with an old classmate of hers but ever since they haven't stopped, I checked her phone and," Michael broke down right there in front of us yet we couldn't do anything. We're an Ocean away.

Luke and I looked at each other. We both wore the same face, the face that screams sympathy,

"I'll fly over there and punch her face, that bitch has the nerve to cheat on the greatest thing that's happened to her," I said as rage filled me.

Michael chuckled a bit, "no need to."

I grinned from ear to ear the moment I heard him chuckle, it may not have been a laugh but at least I made him smile.

"Honey I'm home," someone said on Michaels end, it wasn't Alice, it was a guy. I knew that voice but I couldn't put my tongue on it.

"Fuck is that Ashton," Luke asked with so much excitement in his voice, at that moment I came to the realization that it was in fact, Ashton.

"Fuck is that Luke," Ashton said back and made his way to where Michael was sitting, "and Liza oh my fuck," I couldn't say anything, I was in shock. My best friends from high school were all there.

"Now we're just missing Calum and Kira," Ashton joked.

I remember thinking that Ashton knew about what happened to Michael, I thought that Ashton was up to date with the drama in Michaels life, but I was so off.

"So what is the occasion and why didn't I know until now?"

"It's about last night," Luke said. It was 9 PM in London when we called Michael with meant it was 1 PM for them so by then Luke and I assumed that Ashton was filled in about Alice and her sins, but we were so off.

"What happened last night," Michaels head shot up and his eyes were scared,  I understood that it meant that Ashton didn't know and Michael didn't want him to know, but Luke being oblivious as always couldn't seem to catch on.

"Michael drunk calling us, it was somewhat funny for me because he kept calling me Lucas," Luke looked at Michael just as he paused, "he never called me Lucas."

Ashton's face was filled with confusion, "now what the hell," then anger, "You told me you went to write some songs at the studio," then sadness, "why would you go off to get drunk," emotions I hated seeing Ashton go through.

Luke looked at me and he made a face as if everything just started to click. He messed up. 




A/N : heyyy 

Leah here,

sorry for taking forever to update, I have had so much work to do lately but that all ends soon don't worry. 

lub u guys # no homo.

pls make sure to comment bc i love seeing comments ok.

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