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  You were a vision in the morning when the light came through  

I woke up early, really early.  When I woke up I turned to the side to look at the alarm clock which displayed the time as 4:32, I searched for bobby and found him facing the other side snoring a little bit. He looked cute. I don't know how my life got this way. It all happened so fast, first I was madly in love with a boy with eyes from the ocean, next I have the most beautiful child, but he was taken away from me.  Then the next thing I know, I'm sitting here recalling old memories. What's wrong with me?

I was just sitting there in bed staring into space, when I was saved by the bell. I got a call, It was Michael, I hadn't talked to him in a while. 

"hello, Michael?

"Liza," he cheered, a bit too loud for me, he seemed happy , which made me smile, even though I was sad.

"What's shaking?"

"I'm drunk as fuuuuck," the last time I recall Michael drinking was in high school when Luke kept trying to get in my pants, somewhat succeeding.


"Don't worry I'm with Alice, so it's fine, I'm not driving."


"My girlfriend," Michael was practically screaming even though there was no reason.

"Aw, Michael I'm so happy that you found," I was cut off, I wanted to tell him that I was happy for him but never mind.

"Liza, I miss you," Michael's voice was soft all of a sudden.

"I miss you too."

"No I mean, I miss you."

"Michael what are you implying?"

"I'm so sorry for how I treated you In freshman year, I was such a dick!"

"Michael, It's fine, you're a beautiful person now and that's all that really matters, you can't change the past," I didn't know where this conversation was going but I didn't want to hang up. I missed Mikey.

"Say my name again."


I wasn't sure what was wrong but he started crying, hearing him cry hurt me. Michael was always like an older brother to me, and seeing someone who you looked up to being broken is harsh.

"Liza," he was sniffling, "I love you, please take care of yourself," he started crying again and the next few words were impossible to understand.

"Mikey don't cry," he was making me tear up a bit," you know, when you cry I cry."

I heard him laugh a bit, but it was those types of laughs you do to smile through the pain.

"Luke is a dick, he doesn't deserve you, he never did."

"What are you talking about," Michael wasn't making any sense but he was drunk so I couldn't do much about it.

"I always loved you."


"SHIT I ALMOST SPILLED MY DRINK," and he was back to being the clumsy silly drunk.

"Michael god damnit!"

"babe come here," I heard a girl say on the other line, was that Alice?

"Coming," his voice was faint but I could still hear the pain in it, "Bye Liza."

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