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  "Look! She's having a breakdown
Oh what a let down, a shame, I think She might die!"  


btw do any of you like teen wolf? if you do please contact me, we need to be best friends. 



I don't know how I managed to ruin my first day, it all happened so fast, one second I'm talking with Bobby, the next I'm talking to a blond girl telling her all my issues, then all of a sudden Luke is in front of me.

I wouldn't say I handled the day too well but whenever I go over it, I feel a bit proud of myself, for not falling immediately into his arms, I'm proud that I can stay strong enough for myself not to fall for those blue eyes.

I remember that after bobby took me to the office to see my college guide and get to classes with them but when we went inside, there was a short blonde girl, she was really cute, knee socks, skirt, and a button up crop top, cute. Her name was Olivia and she had the voice of literally soft blankets, It may be weird, comparing her voice to a soft blanket, but that's what her voice sounds like to me, A soft blanket that a child brings everywhere. 

I felt so comfortable with this blanket, with  her voice, with her, that I suddenly started opening up to her when we had free period. I was talking about my mom, my sister, my dad and basically a little less than what I told Bobby. I was stupid, I shouldn't have opened up to someone I just met. But for some reason she was so comforting, so supportive, like the Mum I always wished I had.

When Olivia asked me to have a coffee with her boyfriend, I wasn't too keen but I wasn't about to say no. So I agreed and let her drag me across campus, looking for her boyfriend, it wasn't a pleasant experience but it certainly was better than seeing those blue eyes again. It was like hell.

Olivia was dragging me around when she suddenly let go of my wrist, I didn't bother looking up though, I focused my eyes on the bruise that was already forming around my wrist. When I did look up, I was being slammed into hell, at first I thought that it was all a dream, but then he did that finger thing, where he would rub his thumb against his knuckles. Reality slapped me and it slapped me hard, for the last few weeks I've been trying to live my life again but seeing Luke again made me remember all the things I was leaving behind, seeing Luke also gave me a panic attack. I ran, something I've been doing for a long time, I ran into the nearest bathroom and locked myself. I thought I was safe but I collapsed on the floor, I felt weak, I felt scared, all of a sudden my lungs betray me,  I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was going to be sick, like I was going to pass out. 

My mind was racing,  and I was having terrible chest pains. But when I heard Luke's sweet voice, it came down. He was apologizing for something but I couldn't make much of it. Luke went on but all I thought about was the sound of his voice, it reminded me or milk. Sweet full cream milk. That distracted me for a while until my breathing was steady, I got off the dirty floor and looked at my self in the mirror. I was a mess.

When I got out, Luke was about to hold me and look me in the eye, he's done it before, he would hold my shoulders to keep me steady, then he would look me in the eye to see if I was fine, but I didn't let him, not this time. Instead I gave him my letter, and I took off. 

Bobby happened to come exactly at the right time, he took my hand and helped me find my way out. 

He brought me to his car, and sat me at the back seat, bobby was saying something, he told me to do something but I didn't listen to what he was saying, instead I focused on what he sounded like, I couldn't make it out, his voice sounded a bit like a river, flowing so swiftly but then at some points it sounded like ice, cold and hard, there was no in between. I just lay in the car while he went on about pizza and a show about wolves.  

When we got to his apartment, when we got home  he turned the television on and told me to pass him his phone, he asked for a few other things and I just did what he told me . Bobby was ordering pizza while I was turning Netflix on, I didn't know   what he was planning on watching so I just left it on the home page, I didn't even know if he was planning on watching anything at all. In all honestly, I was too tired to watch the movie or talk to bobby at all.  

Bobby ended the call with the pizza parlor and asked me what I wanted to watch, I haven't really watched TV lately so I didn't know what new shows were there.  

"Any crime shows?"

"Well, yeah, do you like scream queens," Bobby was looking at the TV scrolling through the list of shows on the screen, I didn't know what scream queens was so I just nodded and he let something play.  

It started off with a party scene and from there on I kept my eyes glued to the screen since it was pretty interesting.  Bobby was saying my name a few time but I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. 

"Elizabeth," he said my full name, I didn't even know that he knew my full name, so I looked at him, his eyes had a hint of annoyance but was mainly filled with worry.

"sorry, I just wanted to watch that one scene," I knew what bobby was going to say but in all honesty, I didn't want to talk about Luke. Luke was always a touchy subject that I liked to dodge.

"Can we talk about today,"  I could tell that Bobby just wanted to be a good friend but I would have thought that he knew that I didn't want to talk about it.

"Can't we just talk about it tomorrow, I'm tired and emotionally drained."

Bobby kept insisting that we talk about the day even though I kept telling him that I was tired and that we could talk about it the next day, but as predicted, I won and we ended up cuddling in bed.

I didn't have nightmare that night, surprisingly.



A/n: yo yo yo 

its leah here with an update that took me a few days to write, soz soz 


I started a school new paper in my high school and im v proud proud proud proud yeeee


enjoy that

and keep in mind that it was a bit rushed

( a lot rushed)

k byee

Leah out.

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