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A/N: d00ds pls calm down I have GCSE's I can't update like before but I do try 

I changed the cast a bit btw so

Lukes POV

  When the moon fell in love with the sun
All was golden in the sky
All was golden when the day met the night  

I was driving Liza to my apartment so we could call Michael and see how he's doing, I was actually worried about him but seeing Liza sitting next to me again was nice, sure we weren't talking, Yeah I had to have a few words with bobby, and of course Olivia couldn't stop calling me.

When a familiar song played on the radio it felt as if I was in my old truck, in Sydney, driving down Mona vale road with Liza by my side. I was in another world, one without problems or drama or anything to worry about. I was even about to hold Liza's hand but that's when my make believe word came crashing down, she saw my hand reaching out for her and she changed the song, our song.

Was that symbolism? 

Was she mad at me?

So many questions to ask yet we were already pulling up to my unspoken parking space. When we left the car I tried to get her stuff like the gentleman I am but she wouldn't let me.

"Just here for the sake of Michael."

"I know."

As the two of us walked into my Apartment I could tell that she was hit by a wave of nostalgia.

"You haven't changed," she stated while she grazed her fingertip along the Pictures Hung against the wall. All of them were pictures of us, of Calum and I, of Michael and I, of Ashton and I, then a bunch of all of us together. I've never had a picture of anyone else hung up. I remember this one time that Olivia came over, I was in the shower getting ready for a party and when I came out, she had tried to hang up a picture of the two of us. I took it down and gave it back to her of course.

"Who's that," Olivia would always ask about everyone in the frames, I always told her something vague like, 'that was my good friend' but never would I tell lie to Olivia so I would somehow explain everything later on. 

"Want a drink,"  I asked Liza.

"No thanks."

Conversations were hard to have with her, I remember when we were in Australia and the words would always just fly out of our mouths and we would never have a filter but in that second, I could feel that the air was cold and all our broken pieces were scattered over the room.

"I'll get my laptop then."


A/n: this chapter is short bc I want the rest in Lizas POV ok thx bye 

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