• E I G H T •

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Last breath

When the nurse came to take me into the operation room I only realized Luke and I were holding hands when we had to be separated again. When the warmth of his fingers linked to mine disappeared the spots where he touched started to tingle, so much to the point my hand ache from his absence.

Everything during the process was a blur. I remember Dr. Austin telling me not to be afraid because I wouldnt feel a thing, I glanced to the walls scattering Luke's face among the medical crew but did not find it. I felt my hand being held but my eyes were too heavy for me to identify who's holding it.

During the anesthesia I dreamt about deep blue eyes starring mine. They weren't Luke's eyes and neither mine. That set of deep blue eyes starred into my soul trying to comunicate with me. I could read their glance like a halo but couldn't understand it neither reply. Our eyes stared each other until everything became black again.

When I woke up I felt like a piece of me just died. My eyes were scanning the room trying to find something familiar but they didn't. I was alone in there. My throat was dry as sand and I couldnt voice my pain. Everything hurts, my arms couldn't function, my voice wasn't coming out, my stomach hurt and my legs weren't moving.

I just stood there. Starring the white ceiling trying to figure out what happened and why Luke and the rest weren't here waiting for me.

After what it felt like forever, a nurse came in to check on me and said she'd call the doctor and my friends to come in.

The first one to enter the room was Mike who had deep black bags under his red eyes as he was just crying. I frowned my face when he didn't smile to me. Something is wrong. He sat on the chair next to my bed with his eyes fixed on the ground.

"Mike?" I speak for the first time

"He didn't make it" he mutters looking into his big empty hands "I held him after Luke but he didn't make it"

What? Who didn't make it? My baby? Where is Leo?

I wanted to scream those questions but my voice faded away.

"Dr. Austin took him out and he was so tiny" Mike said with his eyes filled with water once more "Luke held him saying he took after you but he wasn't moving anymore" he continued and I couldn't do anything but listen "Luke began to cry and scream saying something had to be done because you needed to see him, but the doctor said it was too late" Mike's hand were in a cupping shape, an empty one "Luke was so mad that he told me to hold him, he left and Ashton went after him. I saw his last breath fading away with the blue in his eyes" Mike finished looking at me

His eyes were crying silently "Leo really does take after you" he tries to smile

I frown my brows trying to digest everything Mike said

"My baby..." I mutter

Mike shook his head

"Leo's gone" his words took my breath away.

I felt my lungs shutting down and my vision became blurry. Tears were falling but I couldn't feel them stain my skin. Mike hurried to call the doctor but I already had my eyes closed. When everything became black I saw those blue eyes again. It's Leo, my baby boy.

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