-thirty four-

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I'm getting wayyyy too comfy, but here's your update that's very late I'm sorry :( I suck

the song I'm using for this chapter is called Your Name, by Esther Vallee and I love it, you guys should check it out even though you probably have a different music taste and what not..


I know it's late like four am and I guess I'm sorry cause I never meant to hurt you

Liza's pov

The phone call ended already, yet there I was in Lukes apartment.  Luke was making dinner, even though I told him I'm not hungry, he insisted on making us dinner at 1 AM, sometime's I questioned Lukes state of mind.

I was just sitting cross-legged on Lukes couch when he turned around and Looked at me with a confused face. I looked at him with the same look of confusion, which made him even more confused. None of that was helping.

"Why are you just sitting there?"

"Well, what do you expect me to do while you're making, uh, what are you making?"

Lukes naturally pale cheeks turned into a light shade of pink, while he looked down at his feet. Did I make Luke Hemmings Blush from embarrassment?

"I'm making Fish and Pasta," Lukes' eyes went wide as if he said something incredibly offensive in front of his grandmother. Luke was acting as if he was a teenage girl, I thought he was drunk, I really did, so what did I do next, I asked him about it. 

"Me, drunk... no," Luke said clearly drunk.

"When the hell did you drink alcohol?"

"While you were on the phone with Bobby I poured myself Gin and Tonic," He trailed off.

"What the hell Luke, you don't get drunk on one Gin and Tonic, I was gone for," Hell I didn't even know how long I was gone for.

"Forty minutes or so," Luke turned back to the stove to cook the fish, "sorry, I guess I'm being a hypocrite, getting worried because Michael was drunk, for gods sake he just was drunk, but thank the lord I was worried because it turns out he's in a terrible relationship."

Luke has been drunk a lot of times, I was there to see him drunk in high school, but it's a whole new level now, he's mature, with mature problems and mature thoughts. He's not going to admit anything crazy, he's just going to have small drunk phases.

I was sitting on the couch thinking about leaving, but Luke was using the kitchen under influences and I couldn't have him burn his apartment just because he got bored while I was on call. 

I heard the sound of a microwave before I heard the voice of a broken angel, "Liza I'm going to Australia for the summer, I'm going to see my mum."

 Just Imagine, a broken girl rushing to help the fractured boy, sobs everywhere. The fractured boy on the floor crying his heart out while the Broken girl cooed nice words, even though their world was shattered, that didn't mean they shouldn't believe that it isn't. 

I was the broken girl, while Luke was the fractured boy. What a beautiful mess he was. While I was just damaged, not able to be repaired.

"I Love my mum, and I don't want to be thousands of Miles away knowing that she isn't feeling on top of the world."

I stepped back a bit, looked at Luke, then thought about the situation. Luke loved his Mom, his sister, his brothers and himself most likely. 

A thought that ran through my head, "If look was fractured, considering his situation, them what in the hell am I. I hated myself, I can't make proper friends, My mom and I don't even get along at all, My dad hasn't even been heard of, that leaves me with the only two people I know I love, my grandma and my sister, Millions of moments away."

I looked at Luke again, I was completely shattered while Luke was crying, but who was I to ask for pity. I had a pretty decent life in the eyes of someone without food, without a house, without water, without clothes, or even anything. Yet there I was begging for someone to put their hand on my shoulder and tell me they're sorry, well anything at all.

"Luke the fish is going to burn," I might have been cold but that was better than to tell someone they're alright but then turn around and feel like My own situation can't get any worse, that would have not only made me a hypocrite but a bitch too.

"Right," Luke rubbed his eyes and sniffled a bit before he was able to get up and put the fish on a plate, he also went over to the microwave to take out his leftover pasta that was just reheated. 

"Can I use your bathroom?"

"Sure go ahead, I'll set the table."

Silence spreads across the apartment. I didn't actually need to use the bathroom but I did need some air. Metaphorically of course. The bathroom was the only place where I can have my Own privacy at someone's house. But the bathroom wasn't the room I went to, I walked through the hallway looking for a room for peace and I sure found it. I walked passed two bedrooms which meant the next room would be the bathroom and if not, it would be on the other side. Turns out the door I opened first was better than a bathroom. It was a dark room with instruments everywhere and papers on the floor. It was very much aesthetically pleasing. I went to look through the papers on the floor and They were mostly song drafts but there was this specific song that interested me very much. It was the song that was written on a coffee stained paper with sloppy handwriting, 'Independence day'. I knew it was bad but I held on to it, kept it in my pocket, it just had this click on me, I felt instantly connected to a song.


And so I had dinner with the Luke Hemmings at 2 AM. 



A/N: shit I feel like this chapter is very try hard

but i still hope you guys some what enjoyed it

and please leave comments bc i love comments so much, you guys are hilarious.

Leah Out.

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