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a/n: this story is coming to an end... AH 

by the way, the gif is grayson dolan who is camERON AYEEE

Liza's POV

  I'm so sick of fights, I hate them
Let's start this again for real  

Naturally, coming home after a sleepover at Lukes was never easy for me. So I didn't, Luke dropped me off at college but said nothing memorable, he was too busy trying to concentrate with the small hangover he was having. Bobby left me some texts and I replied, I wasn't mad, I wasn't ashamed, there really wasn't anything to be ashamed of. Yet somehow I was avoiding Bobby. Deep down I knew why, but I let myself hide the truth. I knew how scary it was to fall in love, but there I was falling helplessly in love with someone who wasn't Luke. But I couldn't let that happen, not so easily. 

"Hey Liza," it was Cameron, we didn't talk much before since we only had one thing in common and that was knowing Bobby, but he seemed like a nice guy.

"I just wanted to come over and get to know you, do you have any classes right now?"

"Oh sure okay, well my next class is in like 45 minutes or so, how about a coffee?"

"Oh my heck, I'm actually craving for some Starbucks, do you want to go to the on-campus one?"

Sure, I liked Starbucks but Cameron said he wanted to get to know me, but Starbucks was more of a fast food thing for me, it wasn't normal coffee. Starbucks was a place of rush for me, I go there when I need coffee to go. I couldn't have an actual meeting there, the vibe wasn't right. 

"I'm not a big fan, how about this really cool off campus cafe, it's called 'Lieu de Paix', they have really nice coffee and the vibe is just amazing, they have great music and the service is amazing," I smiled just thinking about how great this place was, words couldn't describe how much I loved a good coffee shop, but I wasn't just smiling about the coffee, half of that smile was because of the memories I had with Bobby in that coffee shop.

The scene was replaying in my head, the scent of coffee, the sound of French music.  Our conversations were replaying in my head but Cameron was still there, and I was still in the hallway of Sheffield University.

"Oh sure okay, where is it?"


"So what do you want, Liza?"

"Just a single espresso," I still couldn't understand why Cameron wanted to talk, but it was nice to have another person to share things with.

Cameron told me to take a seat while he ordered our drinks, I made my way to a beautiful table by the window, but something caught my eye on the way to what I would call a perfect  place to sit in Sheffield. I saw Abigail.

"Oh hey, uh Abigail," I went over to the table where Abigail was cleaning up, from the way she looked at me I was guessing she forgot who I was.

"Sorry, do you need anything?"

"No, sorry just wanted to say hi."

"Do I know you," Abigail pushed her glasses up from sliding off her nose but it looked like a gesture of discomfort.

"Actually yeah, you were working in the  Lieu de Paix in London, and I was there drinking coffee with a friend," as I finished talking, her eyes widened in realization of who I was. 

"Oh yeah, Sorry about that."

Abigail and I were having small talk with each other until Cameron came towards me with our drinks.

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