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'Cause I remember that I like you
No matter what I found  

Olivias POV of the last 2 chapters

I thought that it would be an average day, an average day where I woke up in Lukes bed and went to sleep in Lukes bed feeling tired after yet another average school day.

But life had to fuck me over.

I don't know what I did.

I woke up to the sound of Luke singing in the shower, he was singing a song that he worked on all night, about a week ago. So I made us breakfast and laid his clothes on the bed. Once he was done with the shower and breakfast, I made my way to the bathroom so I could do my make up and cover myself in spray shampoo. The college life style wasn't that hygienic.

Everything was going fine until Luke drove us to the Uni. Once he parked in a student parking, he took his bag and we said our goodbyes, he kissed my cheek and I kissed his. I was greeted by my other friends, when he left to go to his first class. My friends and I were walking to the design arts room when a voice came through the intercom.

"Could Olivia Webb please make her way to the school lobby, I repeat Olivia Webb, please come to the school lobby," I thought I was in trouble but I didn't know what for, I couldn't remember anything that I could have done wrong.

I made it to the School Lobby, where the guidance councilor and the principal stood there, going through papers, once the guidance councilor saw me, she nudged the principals arm so he noticed my presence too. 

"Ah Olivia," the principal shook my hand, "we normally send an email out but Emilia Roberts turned up sick, so could you help guide the new girl that's coming in today,both of you have similar class schedules."

"Of course, it would be a pleasure," I gave both of them a smile.

They gave each other a look, but faced me again. Both the principal and the guidance councilor gave me a nod and then left me alone waiting for the new girl. The principal came back in shortly and handed me a bunch of papers and left. I was left alone yet again, sitting on a black office couch. It was so boring waiting there, so I started flipping through the papers, her name was Elizabeth Brooks and she comes from USA, I didn't want to go through everything since it was just information about the school and her classes. I almost fell asleep on that couch until I heard the door slam.

I looked towards the sound and saw a tall, skinny girl with brown hair and blue eyes. She was stunning, I always feel like dirt when I see girls like her, girls who look literally perfect.

  "Hey, I'm Olivia," I stood up straightening my pastel blue skirt from forever 21, and stuck my hand out, "You must be Eliz-" my channel of thought was broken when I saw him. I saw Bobby.  I haven't seen him since we broke up, and I still feel guilty.

I stood there for a while until Bobby kind of gave me a strange look, "Oh hey Bobby, Didn't know that you were already friends with the new girl, if you want, you can be her buddy and I can just go," I said quickly while packing my things since it looked like he was in a rush.

  "Uh yeah, we're friends, but that won't be needed, I've got a class soon and Liza," he turned to look Liza in the eye, "you need more than two friends here,  so be nice to Olivia," I don't know why but I started blushing at the last part, but when I looked back at Elizabeth, she was blushing too. God what's happening to me.

Bobby hugged Elizabeth and left us. Her cheeks were extremely red and she couldn't kepe her eyes off the floor. Everything was awkward, did she know that we were dating, who is she actually?

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