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So I did a Q and A and some people asked some questions, and I'd like to thank all of those  who participated. To be honest I thought more people would ask things but, I don't mind, It's my fault for expecting too much. Enough with that, let's start answering some questions. I'm going to just answer them instead of making it interview like. If anyone has any more questions for the characters, just tell me and I might do another character Ask.

Luke, aka breadstick:

Q: "Will you do everything to take Liza back?"

... is that really the first question? Maybe, I don't know how I feel about her, I love her but I don't know if we were even meant to be. We hurt each other too much.

Q:"Do you want Liza back"


Bobby, aka rich kid:

Q:"Are you hiding anything"

Well there are a few things I haven't told anyone about.. like my addiction to... NO WTF WHY

Q: "Do you like Liza?"

I think so, I mean she makes me feel all weird and mushy, sounds gross but it's hard to explain. The thing is, why would a girl so amazing, like someone like me.

Liza, aka cinnamon roll, too pure for this world.

Q:"Luke or Bobby"


Q:"If Luke wanted you back, would you take him?"

well,,, maybe


Leah looked down at her paper in her hands then back at the boy with curly hair who was smiling so much, this was going to be hard.


"Yeah Leah?"

"You didn't get any questions," she looked away from him, too scared of what his reaction might me.

"Oh, " the hazel eyed boy looked down at his shoes, "Okay, I'll just leave," and with that, Leah felt really bad inside.

"Wait," Leah rushed to try and stop him from leaving the room, "I've got a question for you."

"Uh, well go ahead."

"Are you secretly dating Michael?"

Ashton immediately walked out, passing by everyone else who was waiting for their turn.

Michael, aka kitten

Q:"Do you secretly have a thing for Liza?"

Liza has always been my best friend and I love her a lot, and at first I thought I could but after high school though, I became mature and Liza and I's friendship became stronger but with that I realized that Liza will always be like a little sister to me and I will do anything to protect my little sister.

Q:"how do you feel about the whole leo drama"

It's a real heart breaking moment in a parents life, and even if I wasn't the father, I am Liza's friend, so it hurt me too. I will always be a mess but I was at the worst state of mess when Leo passed away. Leo wasn't even given the chance to see the world and all it's beauties before he was ripped away from our world. But he's in a better place now, Rest in peace, Leo Hemmings.


Q: "Why the fudge did you kiss another girl when you were supposed to be on a date with Kira?"

I'm stupid, and I know that I shouldn't have done that UGH, don't kill me :(


Q:"Can you be my sister?"

Is this because of Luke? idk sure but you have to ask Liz first.

Leah, me, the author, the aussie

Q: "How old are you

14, almost 15.

Q:"How are you so dang awesome"

I'm made out of sugar, spice, everything nice and a lil bit of chemical X.

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