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Me: HELLO! And welcome to the epilogue of-
Everyone: Nalu: Alone But Not Forgotten!
Mira: NALU NALU NALU! NALU NALU NALU! *dancing in her cage*
Lucy: *blushing*
Natsu: *is confused at what epilogue means*
Me: let's start!


Natsu p.o.v

I didn't know if she'd fallen asleep or was so surprised that she didn't know what to say. A simple 'yes' would suffice...
"Luce?" I ask aloud. She doesn't respond. I listen carefully to her breathing and fine it's not regular so she's awake. "You dead?" She looks up at me, her face seemingly a dark crimson.
"NO I'M NOT DEAD!" She half yells.
"Then why won't you reply?" I ask, confused.
"Because...." she says, her blush somehow increases. "Because we weren't even dating!"
"Does that matter?" I ask. Why are women confusing. Wait...maybe I should get the-
"Yes!" She says. "It does matter. I...I want to at least be in a relationship with the person I'm going to marry for a few years..." she moves away and hugs her knees. Maybe I should've brought them... I move towards her and take her hand.
"Well then..." I say, trying to find the words...what was it called again? Lucy looks at me with expectant eyes.
"Hmm?" She hums in response.
"Do you want to..." I ask, not sure how to finish the sentence. Her eyes widen and I get the feeling she's mistaken my words...
"WHAT!? NO!" She screams, hitting me with a nearby pillow. Yep, definitely misunderstood...
"I didn't mean that!" I yell as she furiously attacks me with a pillow. She freezes and look at me.
"Huh?" She says.
"I meant the thing before marriage." I say, grinning. She leans back on her legs.
"You mean dating?" She says. That's the word!
"Yes!" I say, grinning brighter. She smiles and moves next to me.
"Sure..." she says quietly. I wrap my arms around her just before she falls asleep.

Third person p.o.v

Nalu..I mean, Natsu and Lucy lived a happy life after that, minus the few Natsu destroying things, Natsu and Gray fights, Mira fangirling, trying to escape Mira, trying to avoid questions like 'when's the wedding' and 'when will I be an aunt/uncle?' Other than that, Nalu was canon for a long time. And three years from where they now sleep, Lucy Heartfilia became Lucy Dragneel and soon gave life to Nashi Dragneel.

Nashi p.o.v
7 years old

"Mommy!" I say as I pull at mummy's trousers. She looks down at me and smiles. "Can you tell me a story?"
"Of course!" Mommy says. She picks me up and holds me above her big belly. She sits me down on the sofa and sits beside me.

"What story do you want?" She asks.
"How I was made!" I say excitedly. Mommy's face goes red. I wonder why it does that?
"H-How about a different one?" Mommy asks.
"Ok...um....tell me about your adventures with Daddy!" I say. I crawl onto mommy's lap.
"Alright..." mommy says. She thinks for a little bit. "I've got it! This is the story of how mommy and daddy lost each other and found each other again. The story where mommy saved her friends and made new ones. This is mommy's adventure." Just then the window shatters and standing there is Melody and her 6 pups.
"Story! Story!" They're chanting.
"BE QUIET!" Melody half yells at her children. "You can't break into people's houses!"
"Story! Story!" They continue to chant.
"Why did I have so many...?" Melody sighs. "Sorry Lucy." Mommy giggles.
"Don't worry about it Mel." Mommy says. "Come on you lot, you can listen to." Melody sweat drops.
"Now I've completely lost control of them..." Melody sighs.
"STORY!" The children yell and sit around mommy. Melody sighs once more and sits beside mommy.
"Where do I begin?" Mommy says and tells us the story. Where she was alone...but not forgotten...


Me: I'm so glad I'm single for life...
Mira: awwwwww...
Lucy: *blushing*
Natsu: *waiting for wifi to load so he can google 'epilogue'
Me: so I have a problem...
Mira: what's that?
Mira: *points to a random one* that one!
Me: that's a completed one Mira...
Mira: oh...
Me: I have narrowed it down to three:

        Nalu: The Idiots
        Nalu: The Maid Cafe
        Nalu: That Damn Cat

Mira: choose wisely ;)
Me: anyway, that was the finale! Everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeee!

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