Chapter twenty two

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: Alone But Not Forgotten!
Me: RUN! *runs away*
Natsu: *runs after her*
Mira: *growling in her cage while looking at fanart*
Lucy: they're still after her....oh well! Let's start!


Lucy p.o.v

No one moved for a while.
"You sure you can't heal her girls?" Cota asks Melody and Nora quietly.
"Positive." Nora replies.
"Even if she wasn't already gone... I can't heal the effects of my brothers magic..." Melody replies solemnly. Amber walks to the other side of Lisanna and picks up her dagger. I hugged Natsu tighter and nuzzles my face into his shoulder.
"Is the spell broken?" Amber asks.
"Yes..." The white haired werewolf says. No one moved.
"We...We must bury her..." Makarov says at last.

It was raining. The sky was dark and no one smiled. Lisanna was being buried where her grave was originally set in the cemetery. Her box was placed next to the hole and we all stood in silence for a minute. I held Natsu's head to my shoulder and rubbed his back. Erza was rubbing her eye with a tissue. Gray was comforting Juvia, even though she didn't know her that well, Juvia had become attached to her. Mira and Elfman were almost emotionless. Just as we were about to push her box in, a golden light appeared above the grave.

From the golden light emerged Tsuki. However, she soon falls into the hole that was meant for Lisanna. We all crowd around and stare at her as she fixes her dress.
"Eh...can I get some help?" She asks awkwardly. Melody and Nora manifest some stairs and look drained after it. Tsuki climbs up them and the stairs disappear.
"What are you doing here?"  Makarov asks, clearly showing he knows her.
"I'm here to show Lucy something." Tsuki replies. She turns to me.

"It is obvious you no longer need us to teach you how to use your powers." Tsuki says. "You have proven more than capable of figuring it out on your own. However I can show you one thing." She raises her arms and gold light shines from her and is directed onto me. As if by instinct I go over to Lisanna's box, open it, earning a few surprises looks from people and whisper.
"Gōrudenraito, kono hito wa sōdeatte wa naranai hōhō de sekai kara amarini mo hayaku satsuei sa remashita. Kono sekai de tadashī koto o fukugen shi, subete ga umaku ikudeshou. (Me: Japanese for - Golden Light, this person was taken too soon from the world in a manner that should not have been so. restore what is right in this world and all will be well once again.)" a gentle gold light shines from Lisanna's body and she rises in the air. She floats higher and higher until we hear her take a loud intake of breath and gently fall down to the floor. She lands on her feet and smiles at everyone.
"I'm back!" She says, smiling brighter. Her sister and brother attack her with hugs and Makarov cries tears of happiness. Natsu runs up to Lisanna and her siblings and jumps on top of them, cheering. I turn back to Tsuki only to find she's gone. While everyone crowds around Lisanna, I stand by what was going to be her grave. I pick a nearby Bird's-foot trefoil and crumple it in my hand.

As you can imagine, the guild threw a massive celebration. Everyone was celebrating Lisanna's revival. It was almost like they've forgotten about, that's not it, they're just relieved...yeah...

I stand on top of the balcony, watching as everyone cheers, gets drunk and dances the night away.
"Hi Lushee!" Happy says as he flies up to me and lands on the railing.
"Hey Happy!" I reply, smiling brightly.
"Aren't you gonna go join everyone?" He asks. I look down at everyone again.
"I just don't feel up to it." I respond.
"Well you did just revive someone...and go berserk mode on someone else....and get carried away by a demon...and-" Happy starts.
"I get it cat!" I half yell at him. I shake my head and smile. It's good to be back home.
"Ooh! Lushee!" Happy says as if remembering something. "I was supposed to tell you something!"
"What is it?" I raise my eyebrow at him.
"I don't remember..." he says. He raises his paw to his chin and appears to be thinking. I sweat drop and stare at him. "Was it....? Ooh! I remember! You're a bit stupid Lushee..."
"HEY!" I yell at him.
"No...that wasn't it..." Hapoy says. "Aha! You're a bit stupid Lushee!"
"YOU JUST SAID THAT!" I yell at him.
"It'll come back to me!" Happy yells then flies into the air. He grabs my hand and pulls me down the stairs, nearly making me fall over.

He pulls me to Mira...oh no. She turns to look at me and instantly smiles brightly....too brightly....
"First off, thank you for bringing my sister back." She says sweetly. "AND DA NALU IS CANON!" She suddenly cheers.
"AYE SIR!" Lisanna cheers beside her, waving pom-poms around.
"THOSE ARE MY POM-POMS!" Mira yells and takes them from her.
"But..." Lisanna protests. Melody walks over and hands Lisanna some pom-poms before walking off. "Yay!" She cheers happily.

"MAKE ME ICE PRINCESS!" I hear Natsu yell.
"I WILL!" Gray yells. Really? I look over at Erza but she doesn't seem to be doing anything.
"FOR YOU TO MOVE YOUR BUTT!" Gray yells back.
"Um guys....don't you think it's too soo-" Levy interjects, obviously knowing what they're talking about.
"NO!" Natsu and Gray both yell at her. Gajeel stand in front of her and glares at them. Woo! GALE! Oh no...MIRA IS RUBBING OFF ON ME!!!

A few hours later I had joined Cana with the drinks. Bad move...

Cana and I are now walking around the guild, shouting who knows what. Amber wanted to join but Jason held her back. Jason's no fun! We sit down at the bar and giggle uncontrollably. A pair of arms wrap around my waist.
"Found you." Natsu's voice says. I couldn't tell if I was blushing from Natsu of the drinks. I raise both my arms to his head in a silly manner.
"Natsu~" I say.
"Yeah Luce?" He says, resting his head on my shoulder.
"I need the bathroom~" I say. I turn around on my stool. "Carry me there!" I spread my arms out, waiting for him to pick me up.
"I'm not carrying you." He says simply.
"Aww..." I say while fake crying.
"Natsu, you're *hic* no fun." Cana says while giggling uncontrollably.
"I am fun!" Natsu protests.
"Pfft!, *hic* yeah right!" Cana says as she drinks some more.
"I'll prove it!" Natsu says as he picks me up and runs out of the guild.
"Weeeeeeee!" I scream as he carries me.


Lucy: *affectionately hugging Natsu*
Natsu:! Drunk Lucy!
Me and Mira: *taking photos*
Lucy: hehe *hic* Natsu warm...
Natsu: help!
Me and Mira: *smile sweetly and adore the moment*
Lucy: *pounces on him*
Natsu: AAH!
Me: and with that...
Everyone: byieeeee!

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