Chapter twelve

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: Alone But Not Forgotten
Natsu: Its Lucy butt kissing time!
Lucy: AYE! Wait what?
Lucy: why autocorrect, why?
Me: let's start!


Lucy p.o.v

I felt a strange power rising within me. Shōwakusei looks at me in fear. A golden light surrounds me as I raise both my arms. At that moment, Tsuki and the others burst in through the door. Tsuki raises her arm, whispers something, and my powers fade. I fall to the floor, weakened. Tsuki walks up to me and bends down, the others make sure Natsu is ok.
"You alright?" She asks. My form is reverted and I'm the regular Lucy once more.
"Yeah..." I respond. "What happened?"
"You unlocked the golden light." Tsuki explains. "The only way to unlock it was to lose control of your emotions and go into a fit of rage. This usually happens when a loved one is hurt, Shōwakusei thought that since everyone forgot you, you'd be angered easily by insulting you like he did. But when he hurt Natsu, it made you angry. You must share a special bond with him." I blush a little.
"I-I guess you could s-say that." I respond.
"Just remember, he's a demon, and demons are dangerous." She says.
"Natsu's not dangerous." I defend him. "He wouldn't hurt any of us."
"We'll soon see." Tsuki says, not convinced.
"THAT WAS AWESOME!" Natsu exclaims, suddenly alright. "LET'S DO IT AGAIN!" I giggle at his child-like behaviour. Erza hits his head.
"Don't be stupid!" She says. "You got hurt badly and Lucy nearly brought this place down!"
"Shouldn't you be resting flame brain?" Gray asks.
"Shut up ice princess!" Natsu says.
"Make me flame brain!" Gray says.
"I will I've brain!" Natsu says.
"Come on then!" Gray says.
"Boys!" Erza yells and they both 'eep!"

There was suddenly a loud bang.
"The portal!" Tsuki exclaims. We all run to the nearest window and look out. The area around the portal had been set on fire and bad been turned to black.
"What happened?" Happy asks.
"They've found us." Shōwakusei says worriedly.
"Who's found us?" Natsu asks, still angry at him.
"The demon hunters." Tsuki says.
"Demon hunters?" Erza asks as we run outside and head to the portal.
"Lucy's already met them, and the rest of you have met one." Tsuki says. "They are ruthless hunters that kill demons. And they're after Natsu."
"But why attack you?" I ask, confused.
"Because we're housing Natsu." She explains. "That...and we have a...history....with their family." I look up at the portal and see a familiar face.

"Melody!" I exclaim. I go to run to her but Tsuki holds me back.
"The spell that has made people forget about you has been cast on her." She explains. "She's also been brainwashed by her brother, she'll do anything he commands...include killing everyone here."
"What do we do?" Gray asks.
"You guys need to get out of here." Shōwakusei says. "If you're not here, they'll leave."
"It's all my fault..." I hear Natsu say. I turn around and look at him. I place my hands on his arms and look at his face.
"You can't decide who you are Natsu." I say. "But you can decide how you live your life." He looks at me, a slight pink tint is on his cheeks. He's not blushing is he? Nah. "Just because you're body is considered evil, doesn't mean your heart is." I smile at him and he returns it, making my heart race.
"Come on, lets go." Erza says.
"We'll hold them back." Shōwakusei says. More people join, all with white or light blond hair, form a line and start glowing.
"We have to hurry." Gray says. I grab Natsu's hand and we run.

"How are we going to get out of here?" I ask.
"Look up there!" Happy says, pointing up the cliff. There's a golden light at the top.
"Maybe there's another portal up there." Erza suggests.
"I'll look!" Happy says as he flies upwards. It felt good to be in the company of these guys again.
"Luce?" Natsu says. I look at him.
"Yeah?" I respond. His cheeks go pink and he looks down.
"Y-You're still holding my h-hand..." he says shyly, it was almost cute. I look down and my face goes red. I pull my hand away.
"GAH! I'm so sorry!" I say.
"I-Its fine..." Natsu says, rubbing the back of his head.
"They liiiiiiiiike each other." Gray and Erza say, mimicking Happy.
"WE DO NOT!" We both yell. I was lying. I wasn't sure about Natsu.
"If you lovebirds are done and you're done stealing my identity." Happy' voice says above us. We all look up. "The golden light was a portal."
"Is there a way up?" Gray asks.
"You'll have to climb." Happy says. "I could carry you all, but you're all really heavy, especially Lucy."
"HEY!" I exclaim. Yep, good to be in the company of these guys. We hear a loud shout from behind us. Not wanting to know what happened, we all quickly climb up.


Me: and done.
Mira: *is on floor and struggling to breathe*
Lucy: is she ok?
Me: she's fine, too much fangirling
Lucy: ah.
Me: awwwww.....anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: *Mira wheezing* byieeeee

Nalu: Alone But Not Forgotten (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें