Chapter seventeen

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: Alone But Not Forgotten!
Mira: heheheh
Natsu: oh no.
Me: heheh
Lucy: I'm scared
Me and Mira: no need to be scared Lucy... *holding up Nalu fanart*
Lucy: again?
Mira: heheheh
Me: let's start while we admire these works of art.


Lucy p.o.v

I was thrown back. Natsu quickly runs and catches me before I land. (Mira: I'm gonna draw that! | Lucy: oh no) I look at the space and see a golden portal. It worked! Amber jumps around.
"Yay!" She half sings. "I get to go home and see Jason again!"
"Is it safe?" Erza asks while stopping Amber from bouncing through.
"Only one way to find out." Gray says.
"Let me go Scarlet! Why a we waiting!?" Amber half sings, trying to escape Erza's grip. Erza releases her and she disappears through the portal in front of our eyes. Natsu helps me to my feet and we follow.

"Bright light!" Natsu exclaims. "Bright light!"
"That's the sun you idiot!" Gray half yells.
"How was I supposed to know if I can't look at it!?" Natsu exclaims.
"Boys..." Erza says threateningly.
"Aw, pretty boy and hot shot fighting." Amber says.
"WE'RE NOT FIGHTING!" Natsu and Gray yell. There's a loud thud, a couple of 'ow's and Natsu and Gray land on the floor.
"You ok Lushee?" Happy asks me. My eyes are still adjusting to the surroundings.
"Yeah...I think I'm fine." I respond. I can make out the Fairytail symbol and instantly know...I'm home.

"Luce! You hand!" Natsu half yells as I see his pink (Natsu: SALMON! GET IT RIGHT!) hair move quickly towards me. His warm hand takes mine and lifts it up. I feel my face flush.
"W-What about it?" I ask.
"You guild mark is back!" He says happily.

Natsu p.o.v

"Look Natsu!" She exclaims as she runs to me, showing me her hand with the guild mark on. "Mirajane gave me the Fairytail stamp on my hand!" She's smiling happily.
"That's great Luigi." I respond, showing little interest.
"IT'S LUCY!" She yells.

I look at her hand and smile. I stare at her eyes and see that they've returned to their original brown. I missed those brown eyes.
"JASON!" Amber screams happily behind us. We turn around to see a man, probably in his 20s standing there. He has light blue eyes and matching hair.
"AMBER!" He yells. He opens his arms and Amber charges into them, throwing her arms around him. "I missed you brother."
"I missed you too." He says. "Where were you?" She looks up at him.
"It's a long story." Amber says, a tear falling down her cheek. "But I'll tell you later. Right now, I need to help my new friends!" She turns around and smiles. They both come forward.

"Well aren't you a pretty one." He says to Luce. I lowly growl. Luce's cheeks turn red.
"Uhhh...thank you." She nervously responds.
"Excuse me." Erza politely says. "Do you know anyone that could help her? A spell has been cast on her that changes her appearance."
"The only person who might be able to help her she supposed to fall over like that?" Jason says, pointing to Luce, who was now laying on the floor.
"Lushee!" Happy exclaims. I bend down to carry her but Jason beats me to it. He gently lifts her up and carries her to Polyuscia (me: I don't know if that's how you spell it...). I glare at him all the way there.

Jason leaves Luce on a bed in Polyuscia. He and Amber head back into the guild and rejoin their friends. Erza, Ice princess and Happy go to the guild with them, to try and get help. I'm left alone, sitting on the bed beside Lucy. She looks half dead. I grab her hand lay my head beside it.

Polyuscia soon walks in.
"Out!" She half yells at me.
"But-" I complain.
"OUT!" She yells again. "Humans..." I release Lucy's hand, stand up and she groans slightly.
"Don't...." she mutters.
"Stay." Polyuscia says.
"But-" I complain once more.
"STAY!" She yells. I sit back down, grab Lucy's hand and she settles down.

I was completely lost on what was happening. First, Polyuscia put gloves on. Then she did a fancy spell. Now she was muttering all these confusing words that don't make any sense like 'respiratory' and 'concussion'. WHAT IS SHE DOING TO MY LUCE!?
"There." Polyuscia finally says.
"IS SHE GOING TO LIVE!?" I ask a little too loudly.
"YES!" She yells back. "STOP YELLING!" She then walks out and leaves me alone with Luce. I look out the window and stare at the forest, remembering all the times I used to play in there as a child.

"Natsu..." Lucy groans after a while. I turn to look at her. She tries to sit up but I push her back down.
"Rest." I tell her. She doesn't listen and after a few seconds, is sitting up and resting against the wall. Her hair was still pitch black, but I could smell her original scent. Vanilla and strawberries.
"Natsu?" She asks after a while.
"Yeah?" I respond.
"'re not forget me again, are you?" She asks. I move from my chair to the bed. I take her other hand and rest my forehead on hers. "Natsu...?" She says nervously.
"I would never forget my Luce again..." I say quietly. I stare intently into her eyes and she blushes slightly.
"Natsu...." she says quietly.
"It's always more fun when we're together." I say while grinning. Her nervous expression changes to a happy one and her eyes light up. We go back to staring at each other, neither of us doing anything. Until I feel something come over me.


Mira: Natsu is aro-
Me: *covers her mouth* MIRA! THERE MIGHT BE CHILDREN HERE!
Mira: but it's rated matuuuuuure!
Mira: fine >.>
Lucy: this is what I get for coming here...
Natsu: we didn't have a choice...
Lucy: slavery?
Me: IT IS NOT SLAVERY! You can leave any time.
Natsu and Lucy: *leaves*
Natsu and Lucy: *come back*
Me: everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeeeeeeee

Nalu: Alone But Not Forgotten (completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz