Chapter nine

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: Alone But Not Forgotten
Natsu: I WILL FIND HER! *runs off in a random direction*
Lucy: I'm right here!
Mira: awwww
Me: let's start!


Natsu p.o.v

I lost track of time as I followed the scent. For some reason, I really wanted to see her.
"Hey...Natsu?" Happy says as he pants beside me.
"Yeah?" I respond.
"How come... you don't... remember Lushee?" He asks.
"I....I don't know.." I say.
"Maybe he...just hasn't found...that special thing yet..." Erza suggests, getting tired.
"I don't...remember her... either." Ice princess says, struggling for breath. "Maybe we'll... remember... when we see her?"
"I hope so..." Happy says. We continue running through the forest.

Lucy p.o.v

I was, without a doubt, absolutely, positively certain that I was lost. I had been running long had I been running? My run had slowed to a walk. Where was Magnolia? Of all the times I need my keys, it had to be now didn't it? If I could just summon one spirit, maybe they could guide me home. But what if they've forgotten me too? And why is everyone forgetting me? Why not someone else? If he wanted to kill Natsu why not make everyone forget Natsu? My heart started aching, and not from the running. I'm not going to lie, I miss that weirdo...

My pace picks up again when I see a city. Hardgeon. The place Natsu, Happy and I first met. Once I reach the outskirts I start walking again. Maybe I can rest here and think for a bit. I head to the nearest hotel, but change my mind when I realise I don't have any money. I walk down to the docks and stare out at the sea. The loud waves almost seem...comforting...
"Luuuuucccyyyyy." A voice speaks to me. I look around but no one's there.
"Where are you?" I ask. Some people giving me strange looks.
"Meet me at the top of the bell tower" that voice says again. I have nothing better to do.

Natsu p.o.v

We arrive in Hardgeon and I follow the scent down to the docks.

'You said you wanted to join the Fairytail guild didn't ya!?'

I clutch my head. What was that? It seems so familiar but yet...was that my voice? Who was I talking to?
"Natsu!" A loud voice interrupts my thoughts. Ice princess...
"You alright?" Erza asks.
"Yeah...just...I think I remember something." I say.
"What did you remember?" Happy asks.
"Nothing much...just me saying 'you wanted to join the Fairytail guild, didn't ya'." I explain.
"You said that to Lucy!" Happy exclaims. "The night we met her, she was kidnapped by pirates. You destroyed the ship and when the guards came, you grabbed Lucy's hand and pulled her with us. She had previously told you that she wanted to join Fairytail, so you used it as an excuse for dragging her along."
"It does seem like something Natsu would do." Erza says.
"That does seem familiar..." I say.
"Where to now Natsu?" Ice princess asks. I sniff the air, trying to locate that scent.
"This way." I say as we start running.
"Why must we run?" Ice princess says, clearly annoyed by my great endurance (Lucy: that's a big word Natsu. | Natsu: *thinks it's and insult* you're a big word | me and Mira: *laughs*)

Lucy p.o.v

(Me: sorry for all of the p.o.v jumps, last one I promise)

How tall was this bell tower? I've climbed...I lost count of how many stairs... WHY AM I COUNTING STAIRS?! But I finally reach the top. No one's here. That's weird. I walk to the far wall and feel a bright light behind me. Feeling it is really the only way to describe it. I turn around and see a woman. She has long white hair and is wearing a plain, white dress. Her dress seems to shine a bright yellow in some places.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"My name is Tsuki (me: translation-Japanese for moon)" she says.
"What do you want with me?" I ask.
"I'm here to show you that you are far more than what you think you are." She says. Her bright hazel eyes glowing slightly.
"W-What?" I stammer.
"You, Lucy Lucy Heartfilia are a Sutāmeiden (me:translation-Japanese for Star Maiden) ." Tsuki says. Star Maiden.
"What's a Star Maiden?" I ask.
"Star Maidens are always celestial wizards, but only the strongest celestial wizards are Star Maidens." She explains. "They don't need keys to summon spirits and can call upon the Golden Light."
"Golden light?" I ask.
"A powerful force." Tsuki says. "The Golden Light is a special kind of magic that only Star Maidens can wield. It can be shaped into anything and is extremely powerful. I'm here to gift it to you. It may be the answer you seek into this spell that has been cast." She raises her arm and a golden light shines forth, striking me. It doesn't hurt, and I can feel power surging through me, however, it does knock me back, and out of the tower...


Me: dun dun duh!
Natsu: dun dun duh!
Lucy: not this again...
Me: dun dun duh
Natsu: dun dun duh!
Mira: it's almost as bad as my shipping
Me and Natsu: DUN! DUN! DUH!
Lucy: everyone say bye.
Me and Natsu: DUN DUN DUH!
Mira: byieeeeee!

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