Chapter fifteen

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: Alone But Not Forgotten.
Me: I be tired....
Natsu: aye....
Mira: I don't think I have enough energy to fangirl...
Lucy: you sure?
Me: *yawns* let's start.


Natsu p.o.v

"Why hasn't she woken up yet?" Happy asks worriedly as he stares at Luce with worried eyes. She was still asleep on my lap. Amber, Ice Princess and Ezra had gone outside to gather some things to help Luce open a portal.
"I'm sure she's just tired." I suggest. "She did turn into an angel, the almost instantly ran for her life."
"I hope she wakes up soon..." Happy says. He flies down and curls up in her arms. He too soon falls asleep. I lean my head back and close my eyes.

"Oi Flame brain!" Annoying ice princess' voice woke me up. I quickly sit up. I notice the sleeping blond has disappeared along with the exceed.
"Where's Luce?" I quickly ask him.
"Relax, she's outside with everyone else." He explains. But I was already gone.

Lucy p.o.v

A beam of golden light shoots forth from my hands, travels a few metres then disappears.
"Not bad Lucy." Erza says smiling.
"We've certainly made progress!" Amber says smiling. Just Natsu bursts out through the door...only to have a bucket of water dumped on his head. We all laugh.
"Good one Amber!" Gray calls from inside.
"It's not funny!" Natsu says angrily.
"'s hilarious!" Amber says, as she falls to the floor in a fit of laughter. Natsu storms off, embarrassed.
"Maybe we should see if he's ok." Erza says.
"I'll go." I say.

I hurry after the direction that Natsu went. But he seems to have disappeared.
"Natsu!" I call out. By no reply. I continue walking and calling his name. The forest gets darker and I lose track of how much time has passed. A figure moves behind me, but when I turn to look, it's gone.
"This isn't funny Natsu." I call out, hoping it's him. "Natsu?" The figure moves behind me again. Feeling fear take over me, I run. I run in what I hope is the direction I came. But the forest only gets darker. I'm thrown to the floor by an invisible force and my world goes black.


Me: sorry for the really tiny chapters lately, school has been making me exhausted and my wifi likes to wage war on me.
Mira: wifi stop Nalu from being cannon....must destroy...
Lucy: uh oh...
Me: also..1K..WHOO!
Me: anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeeeee!

Nalu: Alone But Not Forgotten (completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora