Chapter fourteen

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: Alone But Not Forgotten!
Lucy: I am very tired...
Natsu: rest your head on my shoulder.
Lucy: *does as she's told*
Me: why doesn't anyone do that for me? *grumpy face*
Mira: *forcefully lays authors head on her shoulder* there you go
Me: ow....this hurts.....anyway, let's start!


Natsu p.o.v

" much fuuuurther?" Happy asks, clearly tired. We had been walking for who knows how long and we were all getting tired. Lucy had been moved from my arms to my back, and back to my arms.
"Why are you complaining, you're flying!" I half yell at him. "And I'm carrying Luce!"
"That's cause you liiiiike her." Happy says in a teasingly way. "Besides, its hard work flying!"
"Oh yeah, I can tell." I say sarcastically as he effortlessly glides in front.
"Wait." Erza says. We all stop and Happy falls to the floor.
"What is it?" Ice princess asks.
"There's someone up ahead." Erza explains.

A small neck girl appears. She has blue features, one blue eye and one yellow eye. One of her ears has a blue bow attached to it. Her long blue, twin ponytails reach down to the bottoms of her waist. She wore black tights, black shorts and a loose black top. She must've been about 14.
"I found you!" She says, smiling.
"Who are you?" Erza asks.
"I'm Amber!" She says, smiling brighter. "Amber Rose."
"Why were you looking for us?" Ice princess asks.
"I know how to break the spell!" She says. "Follow me!" She takes off at a light jog. Happy helps me move Lucy to my back and we follow her.

She takes us to a small cabin in the middle of nowhere. It was small. But what it lacked in size, it made up for in prettiness. Amber leads us inside. All that is there are 5 seats and a fire. We each sit down on one, Lucy on my lap and Happy on the seat that would've been hers.
"What is this place?" Ice princess asks.
"This is the realm of no realms " Amber explains. She takes off her bow and we see that she has the Fairytail guild mark symbol.
"You-you're a member of Fairytail?" Erza exclaims.
"Mhmm!" Amber responds, smiling. "I've been there since I was 3!"
"How come we've never seen you?" Stupid ice princess asks.
"Well I am small, hot shot." She says in a fun/flirtatious manner to Gray. I'M THE HOT ONE! Hahahaha...Ice Princess is blushing! But Juvia is going to be pis-"and...I don't really hang out with anyone...but it doesn't matter because I love life!"
"How did we get here!" I ask, listening to Luce's gentle breathing.
"From what I could tell pretty boy, you had entered a portal which is VERY dangerous." She says in a flirtatious manner once more, making my face blush a little. Lucy groans a little but soon settles. "When you enter a golden portal you must be thinking of where you're going."
"But we didn't think last time and we were fine." Happy says.
"That's because, lil'cutie, the portal had been directed by a Star Maiden." Amber explains while smiling brightly. "Because you weren't thinking where you were going while going through the golden portal, you ended up here. In the realm of no realms."
"How do we get out?" Erza asks.
"We need a Star Maiden to open another golden portal." Amber says, directing her gaze to Luce.
"But...Lucy hasn't even started her proper training!" I complain. "She can turn into a butt-kicking angel, but that's about it."
"Don't worry pretty boy, I know how to train her." Amber says.


Me: there.
Lucy: when am I going to wake up?
Me: soon.
Natsu: aww but she's so cute when she's sleeping
Lucy: O///O
Mira: she has been asleep for a while...
Me: anyway, everyone say bye!
Everyone: byieeeee!

Nalu: Alone But Not Forgotten (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora