Chapter twenty one

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Me: HELLO! And welcome back to-
Everyone: Nalu: Alone But Not Forgotten
Mira: *is sitting in newly bought cage and drawing*
Lucy: is she ok?
Me: yes.
Mira: *giggling devilishly*
Natsu: I'm not so sure about that...
Me: let's start!


Lucy p.o.v

Natsu pulled my waist closer and pressed his lips against mine. I widen my eyes and whatever it was I was thinking before has long gone.
"NALU NALU NALU!" I hear Mira chant, despite her wounds. "NALU IS CANON!" Something tells me she remembers...

I pull away from Natsu and stare at him confused. He simply grins and turns in the direction that he sent Zayn flying. I recompose myself and do the same.

Zayn flies towards us in a fit of rage.
"HOW DARE YOU THROW ME BA-" he starts yelling, but a dagger is thrown an hits him in the...the place where the sun don't shine. Most of the males cringe. I turn around and see Amber directly behind the wall.
"STIIIIIICK!" I hear Melody yell. She's back on her feet, floating through the air and is thrashing at Zayn with her quater staff, yelling things like "MY STICK BE DEADLY!" And "MY STICK IS DA BEST!" Soon Nora, Cota and the white haired werewolf join her, just not so enthusiastically...

Natsu looks at me and smiles. He grabs my hand and pulls me forward, joining the charge. Kate and Juvia lower the water wall and everyone who can still stand charges, throwing everything they had at it. Magic. Claws. Sticks. Fists. In Amber's case, her teeth. And at last...we were all out. Too tired to do anything.

Zayn is still floating but is badly injured. That doesn't seem to stop him though.
"You're not enough to stop me!" He yells. He starts glowing black as black mist surrounds us all. I fall to the floor, my legs ignoring me when I tell them to stand. Suddenly I remember I have Melody's sword! With my remaining strength, I lift the sword at Zayn and picture him alight. I feel a small tingle in my arms, followed by a scream.

I look up and see Zayn is...dissolving I guess. His body is breaking down. Natsu helps me to stand and I lean against him. With a 'poof!', his body is gone and...
"Lisanna!?" Everyone exclaims. (Me: now before you start the hate...please keep reading, all will be explained.) Lisanna's body is in the place of Zayn and she falls to the ground. Natsu and Mira run forward to catch her, but with no support, I fall over, until Melody and Amber catch me. They lead me over to Natsu, Lisanna and Mira and I bend down.

"Lis....w-what?" Natsu says, confused.
"I-I don't understand..." Lisanna says.
"Did you...did you do this?" Mira asks, a tear in her eye.
"No! I would never!" Lisanna says as loudly as her voice will go.
"Zayn took control of her." Melody says simply. Natsu and Mira look up at her. "Zayn was using a lot of his power and needed to replenish his supply. He found Lisanna when she was heading back to the guild, not longer after the forgetting spell had been cast. He took control of her body and used her magic for his own."
"That dir-" Amber starts but is covered by Jason's hand.
"Language." He says sternly. Lisanna coughs and blood falls from her mouth.
"L-Lis?!" Natsu exclaims worriedly.
"Unfortunately, when spells like that are used, the person depends on the caster." Melody says, a sadness in her voice. "Lisanna' body became dependent on Zayn, so dependent that with him now gone..."
"She won't make it..." Mira says, tears falling freely. I hug Natsu as best I can and Elfman comes over and hugs Mira.

"I can't lose you again..." Mira says crying.
"It'll be alright Mira-Nee..." Lisanna says, struggling to smile.
"This is..." Elfman struggles to form words.
"I'll be ok, Elf-Nii." Lisanna says. She turns to Natsu. "Take care of her." Natsu smiles as best he can and nods. Lisanna raises her hand, her siblings quickly grab it, just before it falls back down.

"She's gone..." Melody says, trying not to show emotion. Nora walks over, bends down and closes Lisanna's eyes. Mira and Elfman burst into tears and turn to one another, hugging the life out of them. I hug Natsu tighter as he sobs. He holds my arm with one of his hands. The guild members gather around and all is silent, bar the crying of the guild.


Mira: HOW COULD YOU!? AAAAAAARH! *tries to reach author but is restricted to cage*
Natsu: grr...
Lucy: author! Run!
Me: don't have to tell me twice! *runs away*
Natsu: *runs after her*
Lucy: byieeeee!

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