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Catherine Audrey Harris

Part Three of Recorded Interview

Date: Sunday, October 9, 2016

Duration: 46 Minutes

Location: Frederick County Sheriff's Office

No. of Pages: 7

Conducted by Officer Daniel Brown

Officer Brown: Thank you for coming in again Ms. Harris. I know this is a difficult time for you and I hate to pull you away from your search efforts, but we need to ask you a few questions that might help us find Anna.

Catherine Harris: Of course. Anything we can do to help find her, please don't hesitate to contact either myself or my husband.

Officer Brown: Thank you for your cooperation. Now we've already had a few discussions about Anna's relationship with Mr. Carter, but I would like to go over that again, just to be sure.

Catherine Harris: Okay.

Officer Brown: I'd like to start by having you take a look at this note again. Is there anything in it at all that might be any sort of code or provide any information more than it appears on the surface. I know you've already seen it, but I would appreciate if you'd read through it one more time just to be sure.

[Transcript of Note]

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm sorry I couldn't tell you I was leaving. I know you will be worried. But I want you to know that I am safe. I am with someone who will take care of me. He will make sure I stay up to date in school, don't worry. If I ever do want to come home, I will. It's not about you guys, I just need some time to explore who I am and find myself. I can't tell you where we are going, because I don't want you to be able to find me. But it's a place that I'll be happy in. I'm so sorry to put you through this stress, but I can't see another way. You would never let me go willingly so you have forced me to do it this way. I just can't live with all the rules and the pressure at home anymore. I love you both, and I will see you again, but I need some time on my own. I hope that you can understand someday, even if you don't now. I love you both so much, and I will miss you very much.



Catherine Harris: No, there's nothing here that jumps out at me.

Officer Brown: And the location it was found in, under Anna's pillow. Is there anything you can tell us about that?

Catherine Harris: I'm sorry, I just can't think of any significance. I assume she just didn't want us finding it until they'd gotten well on their way.

Officer Brown: And the nature of Anna and Mr. Carter's relationship. Besides the large amount of time they spent together, did you ever witness it becoming inappropriate in any other way?

Catherine Harris: Yes. I saw them hugging in a classroom after school once. Male teachers don't hug female students. That's not normal. And I knew that. But when I tried to bring it up, no one would listen to me. And now it's too late.

Officer Brown: I'm sorry you experienced that Ms. Harris. I truly wish we could have prevented this, rather than reacted to it.

Catherine Harris: Thank you.

Officer Brown: So the hug was the furthest you saw it go?

Catherine Harris: The hug was already across the line.

Officer Brown: But they never kissed, touched inappropriately, or otherwise became physical?

Catherine Harris: I never saw them doing any of that, but that doesn't mean that they didn't.

Officer Brown: Of course, we understand that.

Officer Brown: Does Anna have any medical conditions that might be a concern, or might be something we should attempt to alert Mr. Carter of through the media.

Catherine Harris: Anna is allergic to bees. She is supposed to carry an epipen for it, but we can never get her to take it seriously. She has never been stung, and she always says she will just make sure she never gets stung.

Officer Brown: So I assume then that she doesn't have the epinephrin with her?

Catherine Harris: No, it's in her room, I checked.

Officer Brown: Okay, we will alert the media about that. Is there anything else.

Catherine Harris: Well, Anna does get migraines. She's been prescribed medicine for them, and if she doesn't take it when she feels one coming on, she's completely dysfunctional. She can't do much more than lie in a dark room without sound when they hit her full force.

Officer Brown: And does she have this medication with her?

Catherine Harris: From what I can tell she has some, but not much. She can't have more than a month or two supply.

Officer Brown: Interesting. And so she normally relies on this medicine pretty heavily then? How often does she get migraines?

Catherine Harris: She gets migraines about once a week at least. And yes, she always takes her medicine when she gets them.

Officer Brown: And Anna's personality, is she one to speak up when there is something she wants.

Catherine Harris: Anna is...Anna is good at putting others needs and wants before her own and-

Officer Brown: We know Anna is an amazing girl Ms. Harris. This question is actually very important so I need you to try to be as honest, thoughtful, and accurate as you can with this answer. If Anna needs something, will she make sure she gets it?

Catherine Harris: I believe she will try her hardest, yes. Anna is not one to be walked all over.

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