47. During

479 28 3

Frederick County Sheriff's Department

112 E Airsole Dr, Frederick, MD 21701

(410) 333-5555

Dated: October 18, 2016

Addressed to the offices of ________________,

     Provider Name

This letter is provided to you as a record of the in-person conversation between the provider listed herein and the Frederick County Sheriff's Department (FCSD) Representative. During the aforementioned conversation, the provider listed above agreed to fill out the included form in the instant a white male patient between the ages of 18 to 30 or a white female patient between the ages of 10 and 20 comes in as a new patient complaining of migraines. Notification is only necessary in the case that said patient requests the specific drug "sumatriptan" (also known simply as triptan) for treatment of the affliction.

45 CFR 164.512(f)(2)) of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPPA) legislature requires  all administrative requests to include or be accompanied by a written statement that the information requested is relevant and material, specific and limited in scope, and de-identified information cannot be used.

Thus, HIPPA laws avoid violation under this agreement, as no name, or any other characteristics need be provided. If the FCSD is made aware of a patient of the above description, they will not contact the provider, and will only use the information to survey the area for the suspect at large. No further information or identifying information is requested on the patient, or will be needed from the provider. No identification of the suspect can be made by the requested information. Surveillance information from the surrounding area will be used for identification, the information from the provider will be solely used to alert the FCSD that an identification could possibly be made.

Under the above agreement, the provider at issue has agreed to report in a timely manner, to be defined as within 24 hours, of the contact with a person as described above. The report may be accomplished through the attached form, preferably through fax or internet communication. If snail mail is used, it is preferred a phone call preempts the arrival of the form, so immediate action may be taken.

Questions about the form and communication requirements as hereupon agreed may be directed to Officer Daniel Brown at the above listed phone number.

Any and all expenses undertaken to complete the report as necessary will be covered by the Frederick County Sheriff's Department, however no expenses are anticipated.

The Frederick County Sheriff's Department appreciates your assistance in this matter.



Officer Daniel Brown

Frederick County Sheriff's Department

Lead Detective


Reporting Form 1167

Frederick County Sheriff's Department

This statement certifies that I, __________________, experienced a:

__white male new patient aged twenty (20) to thirty (30) requesting sumatriptan as a treatment for migraines

__white female new patient aged ten (10) to twenty (20) requesting sumatriptan as a treatment for migraines

I met with the above mentioned patient on __________ at __________am/pm. The meeting occurred at my practice, having the address __________________________.



Provider Name


For internal use only:

Please forward this communication to the desk of Officer Daniel Brown, with high priority, immediately.


Internal Email Communication Frederick County Sheriff's Department

From: Officer Daniel Brown

To: Officer Sheila Carmon, Officer Grant Harold, Officer Kenny Maddock, Officer Thomas Huang

Subject: Neurologist Task Force

Attachment: Neurologists.xls.

I want to thank the four of you again for stepping up to the important, if tedious, task of contacting in person the neurologists identified in the list above. I want to stress again the cruciality of getting every Neurologist to agree to complete this form. Our entire plan to trap Connor Carter hinges on their cooperation. Use whatever means necessary to persuade them. Send me the names of any offices who refuse to agree and I will deal with them personally. Please give it everything you have before forwarding an office to me, as I do not have the time to spare on this investigation to devote to contacting every office listed.

Please use the timesheet and forms I provided you at the last task force meeting to track your mileage and time as it relates to this objective. In addition, we will hold weekly meetings on your progress. The goal is to accomplish this within two weeks. We do not know when Connor Carter will act to secure Anna Harris her medicine. It could be earlier or later than we project. Thus, we must be prepared.

I do not need to remind you that this is an unusual case. There is a high likelihood that Anna Harris is still alive, due to the nature of her relationship with the suspect. However, there is a high likelihood she will not make it out of the suspect's clutches alive if we are not successful in intervening.

Finally, if you are the one to contact the office that eventually identifies Connor Carter, I need not mention the positive light that such an accomplishment would add to your career. If you aren't motivated to help Anna Harris as it is, perhaps that thought will propel you forward.

Thank you for your assistance,

Officer Daniel Brown


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