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Jade Allessia Carter

Part One of Recorded Interview



Officer Waters: Ms. Carter-

[indistinguishable sounds]

Officer Brown: I think this would be a good time for me to rejoin this interview, if you don't mind Ms. Carter.

Jade Carter: No, that's fine.

Officer Brown: I want to ask a few more questions about this last topic Mr. Brown was talking with you about, and then we have some information we'd like to give you.

Jade Carter: Okay.

Officer Brown: Can you think of anywhere at all that Connor might...advise Anna to go? Any property he owns, any camp ground he's spoken of, even just a place he liked to vacation.

Jade Carter: Like I told Officer Waters, I've never heard Connor mention anywhere apart from here and Connecticut where he is from. We have traveled, but always out of the country, nothing in the continental United States. Obviously Anna could hardly have gotten on a plane, so I can't think of anywhere he might tell her to go.

Officer Brown: Okay. We'd like to thank you again for taking the time to speak with us Ms. Carter. We know this hasn't been on the top of your list of ways to spend your afternoon.

Jade Carter: You're welcome.

Officer Brown: As you know, Anna Harris disappeared this morning. When we spoke with her parents, they did mention that they felt Connor had an...unusual level of communication with her. That is one of the reasons we wanted to speak with you. For one thing, like we said previously, anyone who spent a lot of time with Anna might have information leading to her whereabouts.

Jade Carter: Okay...

Officer Brown: After Anna's parents informed us of their concerns, we set out to locate your husband, in order to bring him in for questioning concerning this matter, just like we did with you. However, we were unable to do so.

Jade Carter: He wouldn't come in for questioning?

Officer Brown: No, we could not locate your husband.

Jade Carter: What do you mean you couldn't locate him? He's at work! I talked to him just a few hours ago!

Officer Brown: Your husband's boss, a Mr....Baroner, confirmed with us that Connor did not come to work this morning. They have not seen him since yesterday, when he left work.

Jade Carter: But...but I saw him leave...he was wearing his work clothes...I just, I don't understand-

Officer Brown: Ms. Carter, I know this is a lot to process but I need you to try to focus for us. We believe that Mr. Carter may be traveling with Anna. He probably doesn't think of what he's doing as a crime. He may believe he is helping Anna escape from an unhappy life at home. Whatever the reason, I'm sure you're husband has perfectly innocent motivations behind his actions. But what he is doing is a crime. He cannot take a minor from her parents, or even assist her in running away from home. He needs to bring her back. And we need you to help him see that.

Jade Carter: Me...help him...I just don't...I'm sorry Officer I just don't think you have this right.

Officer Brown: I can see you are upset, and I completely understand. Why don't we take a short break, get you something to eat and some water, and then we can talk a bit more.

Jade Carter: I...some water would be nice.

Officer Brown: Of course, would you like to sit here or would you like to walk around, maybe sit in the lobby.

Jade Carter: I'll sit here.

Officer Brown: Okay, Officer Waters and I will give you a moment, the water is coming right up.

Jade Carter: Thank you.

[tape recorder is turned off]

Part Two

Officer Brown: This is Officer Daniel Brown, here with Officer Waters, and Jade Carter, continuing our tape recorded interview from this morning. The time is 15:30 hours on October 4, 2016. Ms. Carter, are you ready to begin?

Jade Carter:  I guess so.

Officer Brown: In light of what we have told you about your husband's whereabouts, do you have any new information that may come to mind that may help us locate your husband, and hopefully Anna as well.

Jade Carter: No. And just because you haven't been able to find him and he didn't go to work doesn't mean he's with Anna. I'm sure if I could just call him-

Officer Brown: You are welcome to contact him, we would only ask that if you if you do so, you might let us trace the call, just in case.

Jade Carter: Considering I'm sure my husband is not with Anna, I don't care if you trace the call.

Officer Brown: Excellent, if you'll just let us get our equipment we can get started.

[indistinct noises]

Officer Brown: Okay Ms. Carter, we should be linked in to your cell phone now. Would you like to place the call?

[there is a ringing sound]

Phone: "Hi! You've reached Connor Carter, if I'm not answering my phone, I'm out doing something fun, and you should be too! I'll call you back when life isn't as interesting, you know what to-"

[a beep interrupts the answering machine]

Officer Brown: Thank you for letting us try Ms. Carter.

Jade Carter: This doesn't prove anything. Connor isn't attached to his phone 24/7.

Officer Waters: Of course not.

Jade Carter: You guys lied to me.

Officer Brown: I'm sorry?

Jade Carter: You told me you wanted me to answer questions to rule Connor out. That's not what you wanted at all. You think he did this. You think he took Anna. And you want me to help you incriminate him.

Officer Brown: That's not-

Jade Carter: Well I won't do it. Connor is my husband. I'm not going to sit here, and help you build this ridiculous case against him. I'm leaving. Unless of course I am under arrest....

Officer Brown: You are not under arrest, and free to leave at any time, but-

Jade Carter: Nope! I'm done with this. I hope you find who took Anna. But I cannot help you further. I have told you everything I know.

[rustling noises]

Officer Brown: Thank you for your time Ms. Carter.

[end tape 1]

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