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Jade Allessia Carter

Part One of Recorded Interview


Officer Brown: Why would Anna's parents have contacted us?

Jade Carter: Well...it's just, I talked to them a few weeks ago and they threatened...

Officer Brown: They threatened?

Jade Carter: To call the police.

Officer Brown: And why did Anna's parents threaten to involve the police?

Jade Carter: I...look can you just tell me what's going on here? I'm not sure I should continue this interview unless I know what it's about.

Officer Brown: As I said, we can stop the interview at any time, but we would appreciate your cooperation. You are not under arrest, nor do we believe you are involved in any criminal manner in the issues we are investigating.

Jade Carter: Well what about other people in my life? Are they involved? Are they the person you're investigating? I'm not going to be tricked into-

Officer Brown: We aren't trying to trick you into anything Ms. Carter. The situation is this: Anna Harris did not show up for school this morning, at which point her parents were called to notify them of her absence, as is school policy. When they learned she did not go to school, they became worried, as it is unusual for her to skip classes and they had seen her get onto the bus that morning. At this point, we have started an investigation into her disappearance. We are simply trying to learn the circumstances of her life, so that we might gain insight into where she might be. As we understand you are someone with whom Anna had contact, therefore we would like to hear from you.

Jade Carter: Well, I really do not know Anna that well. I've spent some time with her, but my husband would be much more helpful than I can be, he knows her significantly better than I do.

Officer Brown: We have every intention of interviewing your husband as well, however at this time, since you did have contact with Anna, it could be pivotal to our investigation to hear any details that might help us find her. A young girl is missing Ms. Carter, and our interest is in finding her as soon as possible, as I said before, you may know something that you don't realize is helpful. I, and Anna's loved ones, would strongly appreciate any help you can provide.

Jade Carter: I, well, uh, I guess I can try to tell you what I do know.

Officer Brown: Excellent. Thank you. Now, if you would just like to talk about Anna, I can interrupt if I hear something of interest.

Jade Carter: Okay. Well, like I said, my husband is in charge of Anna's robotics club, through the school. They meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school for about three to four hours to work on the robot. My understanding is that Anna is a relatively shy girl, she has one or two close friends at school, but she is not very social.

Officer Brown: Do you happen to know the names of those friends you mention?

Jade Carter: I, I think I remember Anna mentioning once the name Maggie, but I'm not one hundred percent sure.

Officer Brown: Great, thank you. And do you happen to know if Anna was seeing anyone at the school?

Jade Carter: I don't think so. I'm not really sure, Anna didn't really talk about her dating life when I was around her, but I don't get the impression that she has a boyfriend.

Officer Brown: Okay, thank you.

Jade Carter: Um, so anyway, they meet to work on the robot, and Anna is very talented, even though she's just a freshman, she has a lot of knowledge, especially about coding, I think she does most of the coding for the robot.

Officer Brown: And are the times that you have had interaction with Anna limited to the robotics club meetings and competitions?

Jade Carter: Well....no.

Officer Brown: Could you elaborate on that?

Jade Carter: Well, over the summer we just saw Anna at meetings. But when school started in the beginning of August, well Anna is in an advanced computer science class at school, and she sometimes has trouble with the work. My husband started tutoring her a few weeks into the school year.

Officer Brown: And when you say, a few weeks into the school year, around when would that be?

Jade Carter: Probably...the end of August?

Officer Brown: Okay, and when your husband would tutor her, would this occur at the school or?

Jade Carter: No...it would happen at our house.

Officer Brown: Was there any particular reason that they occurred at your house over the school?

Jade Carter: Well, my husband had shared with me that Anna had a difficult home life, and he wanted her to be able to feel welcome and have an escape from it, so he wanted to tutor her at our house.

Officer Brown: And how often did these tutoring sessions occur?

Jade Carter: Usually Anna would come over on Mondays and Wednesdays for tutoring.

Officer Brown: For how long, as in, how many hours?

Jade Carter: Usually Connor would tutor her until dinner and she would eat with us, and then he would drive her home afterwards.

Officer Brown: So that was what, 3 hours?

Jade Carter: We would usually eat around 6, so yes about 3 hours.

Officer Brown: And would you be present during all of these tutoring sessions?

Jade Carter: No, I usually work until 5 so I would not be home for most of the tutoring. Connor works partially from home so he often finishes up work late at night so that he can be available during the afternoon hours for his other activities.

Officer Brown: I see. And what room of the house did the tutoring usually take place in?

Jade Carter: Usually when I got home they would be in his office.


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