"Sure, everyone knows Moon River." I replied, utterly flabbergasted.

"And it's gonna be English, the band is from England and never asked if you could sing in French or anything so, yeah. This is your moment." George smiled.

"Well how about that, Ashley?" Paul asked, clearly excited for me. I didn't know what to think. I could sing in front of people, that was okay I guess. But wouldn't people take my picture?

"I thought you didn't care." The voice in my head said to me. I didn't really, but... I just really felt nervous.

"I...I don't know what to say." I said, honestly as I took a long sip of champagne.

"But you'll do it?" Ringo asked. I took a deep breath.

"I'll do it." I agreed. The three of them cheered and Paul hugged me.

"It'll be perfect, I know it will." He told me, pecking my cheek lightly. I had to smile, it really was exciting to think about. With a twist of nerves. I knew Moon River was from the Audrey Hepburn film that would have been released only a couple years ago; Breakfast at Tiffany's. I had to do her justice.

"Thanks, Paul. So when do they want me to do this?" I asked, looking down at myself to make sure my dress still looked amazing. It did.

"Anytime you're ready." Ringo replied. I looked at Paul with this wildly giddy smile that I had no idea I had hiding.

"Go knock em dead." He smiled, clearly glad to see me genuinely happy for once.

"Okay... here I go." I said, kind of nervously as I followed Ringo and George. I took a few deep breaths, trying to get in my right mind to do this. As if like magic, I seemed to forget about John for the next five minutes. I approached the stage as George and Ringo introduced me. I shook the hands of the instrument players as one of them announced in French that the 'lovely Miss Ashley Bunting would be singing Moon River.' I didn't give my fake name a second thought as I took the stage. The piano began the tune and I took one last deep breath for courage and began.

Third Person POV

John had basically been milling around by himself since he arrived at the ball. This wasn't his usual evening plans, he wasn't a fan of the fancy attire and snobby high class people. None of the lads really were, but he hadn't seen any of his bandmates in quite a while. It didn't bother him thought, because he'd rather be alone, spending a lot of time just in the front area. He was still in the throes of what had been revealed to him through Ashley's letter. He kept trying to rehearse things to say to her, but they all sounded stupid. He just really wanted to leave and go back to the hotel. And he almost did, until he heard the music stop and someone announce a name. Ashley Bunting. Not her real name, according to everything, but it was still her. It grabbed John's attention and he went back to the ballroom, pushing past people to see the stage. He saw Ashley get up there and music start to play.

"Moon river, wider than a mile

I'm crossing you in style, someday...

Oh dream maker, you heart breaker,

Wherever you're going, I'm going your way... " John made his way pretty close and locked eyes with Ashley. She saw him, but kept going.

"Two drifters, off to see the world

There's such a lot of world to see...

We're after the same rainbow's end..." Her gaze didn't move from his. She was entirely too captivated by the moment.

"Waiting round the bend...

My Huckleberry friend...

Moon river...and me." She finished, taking a little curtsy. Leaving the stage, Ashley needed a moment to collect herself. John was going to go after her, he needed to talk to her. He might come off sounding like an idiot, but seeing her up there made him need to find her. Only he couldn't. After leaving the stage, she'd virtually disappeared.

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