Chapter 20- anger

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CHAPTER 20- Anger

Hey guys!

Book recommendations;

'Miss nova mac is coming back' by define_imperfection

'The bad boys mystery' by priyaG96

'The bad boy wants me' by monroe_x3

'Beautiful mistakes' by gryffindork90

'Finding new hop' by viper1504

'In it for the long run' elenio19






Addie's POV

"Babe what happe- SHIT" he looked where I was looking to see a smashed Letty. My precious car, my baby was smashed all up the front.

Jesse ran over to the windscreen and pulled off a piece of paper. "Babe your not gonna like this"

I unraveled the note:

'Hey Adeline,

If your reading this you are probably angry but I didn't mean it. I thought violet was at your house and when I pulled In the drive way I couldn't see Letty.

I'm really sorry, I will pay for the damage. But please forgive me and don't hurt me I promise I will fix her for you, Letty will be as good as new!

From Johnny.

Ps I'm really sorry.

I quietly jumped into the car and started the engine, Jesse jumped in after me.

"You aren't gonna ring him or get angry" Jesse was so confused, it only takes me five minutes to get there.

"I'm going to have a good day today, so god help him if he bumps into me" we laughed for a while after that.

"Wait Addie, were do your cousins live?" He was looking out the windows.

"My cousin Marco owns a gym and most of my family work there. so we are getting a work out today" I laughed smugly.

We pulled into the car park of the gym and we parked.

"Shit! You didn't tell me that your cousin was Marco Collins, like the Marco Collins" Jesse looked like a kid in a candy store. Marco was well known for owning one of the best boxing gyms in like the world, slight exaggeration. It wasn't the best in the world but it was good.

We stepped out of the car and grabbed our sports bag. Jesse held my hand.

"Ah Bella what happened to Letty" this was tom he was a regular at the gym. I let go of Jesse hand and went over the other side of my car and gave tom a hug.

"A friend smashed her"

Jesse cleared his throat, "what do we have here Bella?" Tom was a huge guy, not fat, muscle!

"Settle down tom, this is my fiancé Jesse. Jesse this is a family friend tom" tom was maybe a year or two older.

Tom shook his hand pulling Jesse closer to him and I heard tom whisper into Jesse ear "you wreck our Bella and you would've wished you were never born"

"Ok boys, see ya' tom" I grabbed Jesse hand and we walked into the foyer.

We came face to face with a short girl with chocolate brown hair and hazel eyes.

"CYNTHIA!" I yelled

"ADELINE!" I dropped Jesse hand and ran over and hugged my cousin, "it's been to long"

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