Chapter 14- apology

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CHAPTER 14- apology

Hey guys sorry I didn't upload this week, like I said I was at camp. I really hope your enjoying it! I'm not going to be uploading as frequently but I assure you it's worth the wait.

Book recommendations;

His to keep- by lydia161290

Beautiful mistake- by gryffindork90

The reed brothers- by country_girl21

In it for the long run- by elenio19

Miss nova mac is back- define_Imperfection

Favourite son right now that is really really really addictive is 'swing by Joel fletcher'

'The best part about photos is when the people change, the memories don't' ~ unknown.

:::::: the movie mentioned in this story is not real I just made it up:::::

Addie's POV

"Ok, so we have our choices" sivana gestured towards the movies. We were planning in having a fun girls night but I really wasn't in the mood all I wanted to do is sit down and cry.

"Adeline, you alright" violet questioned me, I looked up to Sivana she gave me a quick nod, violet didn't know Jesse and I were married and she defiantly didn't know what had happened earlier.

"Yea fine, just a bit of a headache"

"Adeline here come to the kitchen and I will give you a aspirin" Sivana gave me that look like follow or die, so I did. As soon as we entered the double doors to the kitchen Sivana shot me a death glare.

"I'm going to tell her tonight, I promise." I was going to tell violet, she deserved to know her best friend is getting married.

"It's your choice, but you do need to tell her As soon as, now come here and give me a hug," Sivana gave me a long lasting hug, "I'm so proud of you Adeline after all of this you have kept you shit together" Sivana was a mum too me.

"Thanks Sivana, we better get back in there before she notices anything" we both walked at and into the lounge room to hear violet on the phone, "shhhhh, I think she's on the phone to Johnny" I grabbed sivana's hand and we ducked behind the couch and rested out heads back to listen to her and Johnny's conversation. Trust me violet is half deaf so she turns the volume up so loud so we could hear every word they were saying:

Johnny- babe do you have to be there can't you come sit with me and we can't continue

Violet- your so impatient, don't worry Adeline usually goes to bed early so when they are asleep I sneak around to your place

Johnny- I can't wait that long for those cherry red lips

Violet- how did you know I'm wearing red lipstick

Johnny- because it's stained my lips

Violet- I can stain them some more if you like

Johnny- babe I can't wait any longer can't you come now, miss lip stainer

Violet- I said when they are asleep, mr stained lips

Trust me I had heard enough I nudged Sivana who was fake gagging and we instantly knew what to do. We jumped up and into violet and started making groaning noises and cruel comments

Violet quickly whispered into the phone, "hey I have to go, I've just been jumped" as that Sivana and I fell to the floor laughing our heads off, "h-how much did y-you h-hear" her stuttering just made me laugh even more.

"I don't know miss lip stainer" I squealed still laughing.

"I can't believe I just heard my brother talk to you like that, like his girlfriend" sivana was in shock, as I was too at her comment.

"Why do you sound so surprised that I'm his girlfriend" violet questioned Sivana.

shit about to get down.

"This is the first time Johnny has EVER brought a girl home, he always has a girl but not a girlfriend. I guess he was a player you're know one night stand kinda guy." Sivana emphasised the word ever. Violets face dropped and I had to intervene.

"Well I'm glad your his first real girlfriend, miss make out" I giggled to her

"Whatever can we put the movie on now" violet grumbled while Sivana and I finished laughing.

"Yep, I'm choosing a movie so we can watch my favourite, 'until the end' " Sivana happily skipped across the room turning the lights in and sitting in the other end if the couch.

I really couldn't care less right now I sat on the couch playing on my phone until about half way through the movie we decided to have an 'interval'. So we all got up and made popcorn, went to the bathroom and got extra blankets. I sat down again in my spot and actually watched some of the movie.

I was now starting to get into this movie, this scene seems like the love break up scene.

"Avery I want to be with you, I love you but you have to trust me I didn't mean for you to see that" memories of what Jesse did sprang to my mind. He betrayed me, he told me he loved me, he had a gun to my parents head. Snap out of it Adeline! Ok focus on the movie.

"Austin I thought I loved you" i just couldn't control the tears.

Sivana and violet ran to my sides embracing me in a huge hug, Sivana had known what happened but violet was completely clueless.

"He said he loved me" I yelled at the top of my lungs obviously frightening the day lights out of both of them, "he told me he loved me and I thought I loved him"

"What's happening Adeline, talk to me" violet still didn't know what happened.

After I explained every thing to violet she sat there and rubbed my arm while Sivana went and made hot chocolates.

"Violet I don't know what to do any more, we thought we were in love even though he only came back last week I feel like he never left" saying that only brought more sobs to my face, "he suddenly says we are getting married and I don't even have a ring to prove it!" I know it's silly but that's what I wanted.

"I know what you need to do" Sivana walked in and handed us our drinks, "first, sitting her sulking isn't going to bring you both back together. Two, Jesse has sacrificed soooo much for you and you have no idea he left Greece, he actually stays home and I haven't seen him beat up a single person. And lastly, get up!"

"What" as that she yanked me up and handed me my bags.

"Go, now! Solve this with Jesse. You can't have a relationship when you don't talk,trust me" Sivana was right I did need to talk to him.

"Ok I'll go, but if it goes bad can I come back here" I have Sivana the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but go now! If you dont ring us in the next hour we will come to your rescue ok" As that she shoved me out the door.


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