chapter 9: happiness

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CHAPTER 9- kiss on the beach, maybe another time.

Dedication to my friends Bethany, for giving me some awesome feedback!

Also this book isn't going to be one of those 40-50 chapter books it will be a bit shorter only because there will be a sequel (most likely)


SAB xx

Previously on every beauty needs a beast

"I know Jesse I trust you" she was so soft and sweet, speaking of she's turning me into something 'soft and sweet', "I do trust you, but I will never be able to tell the person I loved them" wait a person, oh god if she has a boyfriend I'm stuffed, I couldn't leave her hanging though, I know she mentioned something about a special first date.

"You mentioned something about a special date, well I'm going to take you on one." I tried to act all mysterious so as I was walking of I yelled over my shoulder, "and bring your bathers, one hour" did that work?

Adeline Collins what are you doing to me because I love you!

Addie POV

I am so excited, A DATE. And I have to bring bathers this had to be good. I run upstairs and flick on my music, ok now you actually have to get ready. I walked into the wardrobe which had all my clothes,I guess they transferred them all now that we are engaged and I will be living here. I suppose it doesn't bother me too much this room is bigger....

"Addie you've got 10 minutes are you almost ready" Jesse called through the house. Oh shit I hadn't got my beach bag packed.

"Yea I'm almost ready" LIE, c'mon Addie hurry up. I put on my pineapple bikini and I wore a pineapple play suit over the top. Ok, ok I have a thing for fruit on clothes. I filled my beach bag with a towel,sunglasses and a heap of magazines. Finally done, I ran down stairs to see Jesse wearing khaki coloured shorts and a blue tight fit shirt.

I have changed my opinion of Jesse he is smoking hot Greek god! You could see and his abs, and as he breathed his chest muscle where bouncing around... He definetly grew up while he lived in Greece, he was always the short fat nerdy kid that's no one liked at preschool, now look!

"Are you done because we have need standing here for like 5 minutes while you starring at my abs" Jesse's voice was amused.

"I wasn't starring at your abs, now let's go" I tried to brush off the matter and walked towards my car.

"Where are you going? The cars in the garage" Jesse thought I was a retard or something with the look he gave me.

"Nope, I'm driving my car, c'mon get in. I'm a good driver" I tried to change his minds about the matter. Which he did and he jumped into the passenger seat of the car.

"Wow, you have good car taste." He said while running his hands along the dashboard.

"So, where are we going." Please let it be the beach I love the beach and we used to go there all the time. There used to be a cove were we would always go and we would jump off the big rocks while our mums weren't looking. In case you haven't noticed our mums are over reacting freak, if she us jumping off sharp rocks into shallow water I'm pretty sure she would die on the spot!

"The beach, do you remember the little cove area we used to go to when we were kids. And we would always jump off the big rocks." I nodded remembering those days, "well that's where we are going"

We drove for 5 minutes when the cove came into sight, from the road you couldn't see it because of the large rocks and the trees but I knew it was still magical.

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