Chapter 16- precision

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Chapter 16- precision

Hey guys!

Thanks heaps for reading you are seriously amazing!



Ok now for some recommendations:

'The runaways' by jr0127

'Boys and detentions' by nami98

'Nights with Wyatt' by coquetry

'My heart melts for you' by bellaedwardjacob

'New hope' by viper 5150

'In it for the long run' by elenio19

Addie's POV

I rolled over to see my clock.

"Shit! Jesse get up it's quarter to ten" I shook Jesse who just brushed off the matter, "c'mon she is probably already there" he just groaned and got comfier.

I knew one way to wake him up. I leaned over and pushed my lips onto his and kissed him making sure to suck his bottom lip (he made a statement last night that he loved it when I did that) he instantly responded by kissing me back and as soon as he started I pulled away.

"It's time to get up" I sent him a cheeky grin and walked into the wardrobe.

"That's not fair, you can't kiss me then leave" Jesse was up and followed me to the wardrobe.

"Maybe after breakfast with your COUSIN we can continue" I danced my fingers along his toned, shirtless chest.

Jesse walked back to his room reluctantly and got dressed, Jesse went into the bathroom while I just finished my outfit; red high waisted shorts, white, lace Peter Pan collar shirt and my red ballet flats. And for my look I out my hair into a side braid and did my normal make up.

"Well isn't my wife--- I mean girlfriend, just beautiful" Jesse started to kiss up my neck.

"Stop mucking around come on" I linked our hands and we walked downstairs.

Sivana lounging on the couch on her phone. Wait!?

"Are you on my phone!" I startled Sivana.

"Yea I'm just looking through your photos" she gestured to a photo, "who's this hunk of meat you're kissing, he is sexy!" I felt Jesse hand let loose and grab the phone.

"What the hell! Who is this guy" he was pointing to the photo, "this was taken 3 days ago! You were seeing someone while you knew we were getting married!" He was shouting.

I knew this was going to be funny, I looked down at my feet, "Jesse I'm sorry" I looked up at him and started smiling, "I'm sorry you're so jealous!" I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe and when I looked up I saw both of their confused faces.

"that's my 2nd cousin,Ray, chill! I went to see him the other day because you were still trying to ignore me" I had to add that last bit at the end. The photo was me in my bikini and him in his shorts I was kissing his cheek!

Sivana broke out in hysterics as well, "Jesse you should have seen your face"

"Oh whatever, so breakfast?" Jesse was blushing a deep red.

"Wait one minute, I just wanted to talk to you Jesse, sorry Adeline we will just be a second." Sivana grabbed Jesse hand and dragged him into the office.

Jesse POV

"What is so important that you have to inject your nails into my skin," she left small cuts into my arm where she dragged me.

" we have some serious shit to go through ok" Sivana looked at me guilty, "I got some gossip like you asked for"

I had asked Sivana to find out as much as she can about Addie, I know it's bad but whatever.

"Well are you going to tell me" I really wanted to know!

"She really wants one of those lovey-Dovey romance with the whole 'you're the only girl I look at' or like 'you don't need make up because your beautiful' all that crap! And there is one thing she really wants" sivana had an evil grin in her eye.

"What is it!" I'm pretty much dying in my own skin right now.

"She wants a proposal and a wedding ring to go with it" Sivana sat there blank expression.

"How the hell am I meant to plan a proposal all by myself, without a beautiful, smart and caring cousin to help me" I knew the compliments would win her over.

"I'm glad you asked because I already have it planned" she handed me a booklet. A fuckin' booklet on the proposal.

"This is really thick!" I hadn't really read much in my life.

"23 and a half pages to be precise, but serious this is how it's happening" Sivana had this look like 'follow or die' so I agreed to for along with her plan.

"ok whatever, but we should get back to Addie before she says anything or gets suspicious" to describe Addie in one sentence it would be, 'curiosity killed the cat'

Sivana walked out and left me in my office so I could put away 'the plan' I hid it in my front desk. Addie couldn't possibly find it because she was never in my office. I walked out and saw the two girls at the breakfast counter.

I walked over to the girls and put my hand on each of their shoulders.

"Well if it isn't my two favourite girls" I leant down and kissed the top of both of their heads.

"No need to get mushy I'm just here for food" sivana shrugged my hand off her shoulder.

"I really can't be bothered cooking wanna' just go out for breaky" Addie was clearly tired.

"Yeah, you two go out I actually have do some work" I was about to continue but Addie cut me off.

"You said you weren't going to work" Addie had this thing for whining.

I leant down so lips pressed against her ears and whispered, "you just want to continue what happened last night" a blush immediately rose to her cheeks.

"Any way love birds. Adeline you and I can go shopping plus we need to get you some nice clothes because you and Jesse are going on a date tomorrow night" Sivana grabbed her bag and started to walk to the front door, "I'm just going home to get dressed into nicer clothes, I will be back in ten minutes so don't let too much happen"

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