chapter 6: untrustworthy

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CHAPTER 6- my hero is my enemy.

Hey guys, sorry but for the next 2-3 weeks I won't update regularly so probaly once a week so yea sorry.

I hope your liking my book.



Jesse POV

As soon as her and violet leave I couldn't help myself I had to make sure she was ok, I treated her so poorly over the past week. But as soon as I saw her that night at dinner, I knew I was the lucky one to be marrying her (even if she didn't know it). I don't know how to describe this feeling every time I see her, is it love? I get tingly and happy but I don't want her to see that side of me so I put up a cold front so she doesn't get suspicious.

So I watched them drive off then I grabbed my jacket,keys and phone and headed to the garage, is it bad to say that I also made a copy of Addie's car keys? I took them just incase. I jumped into the sports car and typed in the address of the club.

I know she didn't say where she was going but one of the newest clubs had just been opened by her dad and there is no way she wouldn't go there and especially on her birthday.

When I got to the club I parked around the back and walked to the front. I could see the girls but I stood close enough so I could hear them without being seen. After watching her tell the bouncer off I knew she was the same feisty girl I used to know, she never took anyone's bullshit. I followed her quickly so the bouncer didn't catch me. The club was packed I just wanted to jump in and enjoy myself that's when I realised I'm on 'a top secret mission'.

I saw violet run off and talk to some girls she must have known. Most people would stand awkwardly without their friend in a club, but not Addie, as soon as violet left Addie walked over to the counter and started to talk to a bunch of guys. Next thing you know they are taking shots, this Is after Addie had about 3 tequila sunrise's. And a whole bottle of zambucca! But wow for a girl her size she could drink, and I knew she was going to have the worst hangover ever.

After she took shots I saw violet still talking to a bunch of guys, for a minute Addie looked lonely because the group of guys she had been taking shots with left to go to the dance floor, I'm not gonna lie when I saw them leave I was ecstatic, it's then when I saw her standing alone and by herself I just wanted to go and wrap my arms around her, but she didn't know how I felt about her and I highly doubt she felt the same way. I stood there contemplating wether or not I should go over but then it was like she knocked her self together and she ran onto the dance floor, and seriously I've never seen someone dance so much in my life.

It was so difficult though to see other men dancing with my wife and she was letting them, I guess I was kinda jealous, but I couldn't show myself to her she would flip if I rocked up and said:

"Oh hey Addie, I didn't trust you so I followed you and your friend here oh and by the way we are married and I don't appreciate those guys touching so thanks bye" like I said I just had to watch.

I saw one particular guy that I recognise dance with Addie, I just couldn't quiet think who it was, he did seem kind of creepy though wearing a black muscle top, black jeans and black vans, I don't know if it's just me but all black at night it's pretty friggen' scary. that's when he whispered something in her ear and he dragged her towards the door, it wasn't one of those sexy whispers it seemed kind of weird, well by the look Addie gave him.

I knew something was wrong I left it for a couple of minutes then I started to get worried so I quietly made my way through the crowds to get out side, I could here muffled voices that's when I heard tears not loud sobbing tears quite painfull tears I followed the sound too see my Addie with a gun to her! This guy worked for dean I could tell by pink bandana wrapped around his wrist, Without thinking I pushed Addie away and beat the shit out of that guy but just enough for him to hurt forever, not so he was dead. I called some of my men to pick up the guys body so I could question him when I get home, I never had trouble with police because we had people on the inside.

And if I wasn't already a bad person I completely forgot about the unconscious beauty lying on the ground, I ran over to Addie's limp body to find she was knocked out, not dead knocked out, so I picked her up bridal style and walked around the back of the club to reach the car I put her in and sat her comfortably, when I was about to drive away I remembered her friend.

This was going to be a long night.

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