I need to be ready now, I need to be ready to come face-to-face with all of the fears. Being the leader of a pack means putting others before yourself... making sure everyone is healthy, fed and living well before you even have time to check on yourself.

The Alpha position is not only an honor, but its also probably one of the most biggest responsibilities in the Alpha's life. Fighting battles, making hard decisions, defending your packs rights, and taking care of each and every one of your pack members... treating each and every one with the same respect.

In order to be Alpha you need to be brave, strong, fearless, bold, sympathetic, understanding, confident, aggressive, strong and whole hearted, persistent, courageous, humble, educated, dominant, respectful, hard working, strong headed, stylish, generous, open-minded, passionate, genuine, and is most of all a natural born leader.

Many Alpha's possess these traits but many all over the world has said only ONE Alpha posse's all of these traits, and has them naturally with out trying. And that ONE Alpha is me, Alpha Carmelina Gold. The one and only Alpha that isn't a werewolf and is a female, is part god, succubus, telepathic and nymph, and is a vampyre.

If there are so many people that I don't even know believe in me... then I must believe in myself or else people will loose the confidence and respect they have for me... I need to step up. I need to be more of the Alpha I could be.

I realize I have stopped walking, cause I was so deep in my thoughts. I smile at myself, I was very clever of thinking of such encouraging words. I look up and my eyes fall on the face I haven't seen in weeks... for some reason the features of this person still shocks me and awakes feelings I've pushed away.

Jace... He was standing right in front of me except different. He had more muscle, his face seemed taunt, his hair seemed darker and his eyes looked meaner. But the tight line of his face threw me off the most. Shouldn't he be happy to see me?? I've accomplished so much with the pack...

The pack. That's why he was upset... I took his pack away from him and he hated me for it. I knew I would see him soon, I just didn't think I would see him so soon especially when I was so emotional and clouded... vulnerable that's what I was, but still strong as ever.

Jace's POV

Here stood the girl that changed my whole life.. that made me instantly fall in love with her, who crushed my feelings when she had two other mates... that killed my heart when she took my Alpha position from me.

Everything that has happened in this short span of time, a couple weeks. Calla Gold. The woman I was supposed to love and worship all my life, that is mated to Harmony Summers, that is Alpha of my old pack 'Blood Eclipse' and is the most powerful faye in the world.

Calla.... My old sweet Calla. She looked even more beautiful then before, her eyes always capture my gaze. I could spend all eternity trying to memorize every single pattern in those dark green lovely eyes. Her hair black as night with their green streaks that match her eyes when they glow.

Body, sexy as ever. Her beautiful dress hugging her hips making them stand out, her long legs extending from the dress... beautiful. I don't know how I could feel so hateful for so long towards this magnificent god of a woman. I couldn't even put to words how amazing it was to see her... to spell her.

I breathed in her scent but winced when Calla's scent was mixed with her mate's Harmony. Don't get me wrong... Harmony is beautiful and very kind hearted. Ive been keeping tabs on Calla, and the pack and what ever happens inside. Holden has been graciously telling me every single detail.

Realzing i was staring at Calla for about 20 minutes i shook my head and focused on her. She looked sad, and nervous. I sigh... its because i probably look like a raging dick. I honestly just made myself look all bad ass so no rouge would be tempted to attack me, i don't want to kill someone innocent.

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