Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

"Now hold on, a tracker? Are you planning on sticking a tracker to one of those things?" Kyle asked. "Exactly. It'll lead us to the base."

"Sef, think this through. To stick a tracker to it you have to get close to it." Kyle said. "That's a bad idea Foster." Keefe said. "It may be bad, but do any of you have another idea?" Sophie asked glancing around the stuffed plane. Alvar cleared his throat making the others look at him. "Why don't you...we, get to where we are going, talk this out and make a plan."

"What if another dark elf winds up the plane?" Sophie asked. "We have to be prepared for every angle."

"Aren't the adults in charge?" Kyle asked. Sophie looked at Della and Alden, then Grady and Edaline.  "Sophie has more experience in this field than us." Grady said. "So what? you each have different jobs?" Kyle asked. "Dex is our tech. Biana...she's she's the spy that tends to do sneak jobs, she gets in and gets out without being seen." Sophie said. "Tam and Linh, they're our back up plan that usually do extractions if a mission goes down the wrong way. Grady and Edaline they are behind the scenes, and Alden and Della, well they pretty much have our bail, if we get in trouble with the law, and Keefe he's...he's our double agent."

"The others?" Kyle asked. "Elwin's our doctor with mad skills, he's saved my life more times then I can count. Fitz...he's... He's like the second me. He'll take charge when I can't, and Alvar..." Sophie glanced at Alvar. "He got dragged into this." Sophie settled for. "So you're the master mind?" Kyle asked.  N-"

"Yes." Keefe said interrupting her. "She's reckless as reckless can get but yeah she's head of the whole team." Keefe said. "First time I met her she seemed to have a good head on her shoulders." Kyle nodded. "Half frozen but a head none the less." Sophie scoffed, as she shoved the spy ball back in the backpack. "Alden, there should be a marker in the glove box, toss it back here." Sophie said. "Please." She added, as Alden opened the glove box. Fitz caught the marker and handed it to her. Sophie pulled the cap off with her teeth as she circled the middle of the back, of the most recent demon. It wouldn't... Shouldn't be able to get the tracker off, but the armored demon would pose another problem.

"Alright so you have different jobs, but Sef this is still a bad idea." Kyle said. "I know." Sophie nodded as she circled the neck of the demon. Capping the market she tossed it back up. She handed her memory log to Fitz. "Everyone those places should be were we aim, unless you see somewhere else."

"I think this might work." Dex said, holding up a round piece of scraggly metal, with wires sticking out. At everyone's unimpressed face he rolled his eyes. "Just a model, here." Dex tossed the device to Biana. She caught it. Dex nodded. "Yup, it works."

"You'll be able to track it?" Sophie asked. As Kyle mumbled a few impressed words of praise for Dex. "Yeah, I'll have to make something where we can all track it." Dex said. Biana handed the tracker back. "Good, well all need a couple of those." Sophie said as her memory log was passed back up from the back. Snapping it closed, she shoved it back in her backpack and set it at her feet. Dex nodded as he went to work. "Will Havenfield be okay with out you guys?" Sophie asked looking back at Grady and Edaline. "Sandor and Brosh will take care of it." Edaline nodded. Sophie nodded as she wrapped the blanket closer around her.

She glanced out the window next to Fitz, she had clear view of the wing now. Alvar touched her cold hand with his own. She looked over at him, "Are you okay?" He asked. Sophie nodded, smiling at his kindness. Fitz however was shooting daggers at his brother. "I'm okay." Sophie assure him, she felt a warm arm wrap around her shoulders and pull her farther away from Alvar. She felt her face flame, as Fitz stared out the window, not looking at her, as he left his arm draped around her. She glanced at Alvar, though her heart had flipped and skipped, she had butterflies that made her shivering increase. Alvar however smiled, letting her know everything was okay. He squeezed her hand and pulled away.

Facing forward. Sophie looked up at Fitz who was watching her out of the corner of his eye.
"I told you I'd give you time and space, I'm not giving you up." He transmitted. Sophie ducked her head that now felt as hot as a furnace. Fitz was warm, which made Sophie want to push herself closer to him, it was like sitting in the warm sunlight on a perfect fall day. The warmth sank through the blanket, her jacket and straight into her chest where it swirled around her heart that bashed against her rib cage. Sophie knew this would only cause problems but her eyelids were to heavy to resist. They slid close and she felt her head tilt on to his shoulder as she fell asleep.


"You are clear to go."

Sophie's knees went weak with relief as she grabbed onto Kyle's arm for balance. She forced a smile. "Good. Thank you." She told the doctor. Sophie and Kyle left the hospital and started walking to the airport where everyone was waiting.

"Looks like you were right." Kyle said as they walked. "I could have told you that." Sophie said repeating his own words. Kyle shot her a sharp look at her, that was filled with pride. "So...troubles?" He asked. Sophie's face flamed, and she turned away from him. "I'm guessing you might not want to talk about this, but maybe it'll help." Kyle offered. Sophie sighed, "Okay...okay." She repeated. "I'm kinda stuck in a triangle." Kyle walked beside her. "I'm guessing it's between two who are on your team...or present at the plane?" Kyle asked. Sophie nodded. "Alvar and Fitz."

"The brothers?" Kyle asked. Sophie was to embarrassed to say anything, she nodded as she rubbed her itchy eyelashes. "Isn't the Alvar older then you?" Sophie nodded. "He is, but he's saved my life before too."

"Well do you like them?" Kyle asked. Sophie shrugged, "I've never really considered romantic relationships. Sure I've had crushes and stuff but...that's different. It's always...well I thought it was all one sided, I thought. Now everything it's-"

"It's new? Different? Unsure? I know kid. I was a teenager once." Kyle said. "It's confusing. I don't even know if I actually...if I want that." Sophie said.
"Don't rush into it. If you are unsure then don't agree to anything." Kyle said, pulling her out of the way of a group of tourists. "I made that mistake, and it ruined a lot of things for me. So just take things at your pace, choose someone who makes you happy."

"They both make me happy. I feel safe around both of them and it sucks having to choose, it's like my happiness at the price of another's. I can't choose between them, things are already tense between them, and even if I could choose one it'd be leaving one stuffed animal out." Kyle chuckled. "That's one way of explaining it." Sophie sighed. "I just don't get it. I don't know what I'm supposed to do. On top of that there is the-" Sophie cut off as her voice cracked. She looked up at Kyle, "I don't know what I'm supposed to do. Not only with choosing but with my life. What part am I supposed to play...Kyle I'm struck in my own storm no one else can see." Sophie said, Kyle's black eyes softened, he raised his hand and rested it on Sophie's shoulder. "Tell me what to do Kyle." Sophie said as tears streaked down her face.

"I'm not going to tell you what you to do, but my advise is, to take a deep breath, and feel what you are feeling." Kyle said. Sophie hugged Kyle's waist, burying her head into his dark T-shirt. She burst into tears, "I'm scared Kyle. I'm so scared." She cried as Kyle wrapped his arms around her. "I don't want to be scared anymore. I don't want to lead, for once...I don't want to fight."

"Than don't fight. Let others fight for you. Be afraid, but don't let that fear control you." He said. "I don't want to fight this war, I don't want to feel so apart and decided inside. Help me Kyle." Sophie begged. "I'm just exhausted of it. Of everything. I want to be someone normal for once. For once in my life I want to feel free, to feel happy. For once in my life...I don't want to be afraid." Sophie cried, Kyle didn't know what to say to that. So he hugged Sophie close, hoping it might offer some comfort. He knew what it felt like to feel lost, to feel so unsure about everything. Sophie was half way to finding herself, and yet the farthest part away from it.

(Darn, I'm crying...) 

The Lost Moonlark (KOTLC fanfic) (SOPHITZ)Where stories live. Discover now