Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

The take off was quick and flawless. Though the elves in the back panicked and clung tight to each other. The lean back made Sophie's wounds throb in pain, but she was way to happy to even care. "Brings back memories doesn't it?" Kyle asked as he pulled a pack of mint gum out of the visor, taking a piece he handed it to Sophie. "Yeah it sure does." Sophie said taking a piece she handed it back to the others who took one piece each, unsure what they were supposed to do, so they watched Sophie.  As they gained altitude, higher and higher, Sophie's ears popped, she put the gum in her mouth.

"We stopping anywhere?" She asked, as she chewed the gum. "We're gonna have to stop in Nova Scotia, to gas up, once more in Washington, then we're headed home." Kyle said. "You made a trip half way around the world in a day?" Sophie asked. "I flew through the night, and...I was going full speed too." Kyle grinned. The sound of him smacking gum sounded through her headset. Sophie glanced back around her seat to see out the window, checking the wing out of habit. The sky was greyish blue but beautiful none the less. "So want to give me any answers?" Kyle asked. "About what?" Sophie asked.

"Who you're running from, cause I can't harbor any criminals y'know, Rose being a cop and all." He chuckled. "We're running from a society called the Neverseen." Sophie said, as she pulled her journal out. Flipping through her journal, she found the page where she had drawn the blind eye at the top of the page. "This is their sign." Sophie said leaning over and showing Kyle who glanced at it. His eyebrows raising. "What'd you do? And who are they?"

"They..." Sophie glanced back at the others who were staring at her. "The less you know the better, but they were doing experiments...and not the good kind. We destroyed one of their bases and they're hunting us down." Sophie said. "Right." Kyle said, he sounded like he was trying to believe Sophie. "They're an independent organization, and quiet frankly few people know about them, and no one should...they've done some bad things, we wiped out some of their labs." Sophie said.

"And why are you guys doing it? What organization are you with?" Kyle asked. "We're in an independent organization called the Black Swan. We're trying to keep people like the Neverseen from ever surfacing to public eye."

"Alright." Kyle nodded. "You believe me?" Sophie asked. "Kid, you've never given me any reason for me not to believe you, what I don't get." Kyle said, glancing over at Sophie. "Is how you got mixed up in all this Black Swan, why you were caught in the storm, and how come you couldn't remember anything?"

"My family was in the Black's... It's why they aren't in the picture anymore." Sophie said, she was getting as close to the truth as she could. "I was stuck into the Black Swan, without really making the decision myself. Before long I was doing missions for them, turns out I was investigating some rumors of a base in Alaska, I fell off a mountain which is how I got those bruises, I hit my head and forgot everything."

"These organizations... They are supposed to be secret and undercover?" Kyle asked "Yeah, no one is supposed to know." Sophie said, glancing at me, he laughed. "I can take a hint kid. So how do you keep winding up in different places in the world?"

"The last few times I forgot because of my fall, but it was because of missions." Sophie said. Kyle nodded. "Alright. Now these experiments. What are they exactly?" He asked.

"Demons. They only want blood shed, their creatures of chaos." Sophie stared out the window the sun shone in her eyes brightly. Pulling the sunglasses off the visor, she pushed them on, as Kyle did the same with his own. "From what I can tell, you have to decapitate them completely before they die. Even then the body still moves." Sophie said. "Now this is getting harder and harder to believe." Kyle said. Sophie shook her head, "I'd never lie to you Kyle. You know that..."

The Lost Moonlark (KOTLC fanfic) (SOPHITZ)Where stories live. Discover now