The Remedia

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Farkle's POV
I had to get to Lucas. I had to tell him what my parents said. He needed to know. Sadly, neither him nor maya were at Riley's when I showed up. "Yeah maya texted me, they aren't coming with us. She said they'd meet us at school." Riley told me. I sighed and walked with Smackle. "Awe does the poor little genius need his cowboy to ride him into the sunset?" Smackle mocked. "No. I need to talk to him. It's important." After a few minutes of me sitting there waiting for him Lucas walked into the history classroom right after the bell,

Lucas's POV
"I need to talk to you." Farkle told me as I walked in. "Not during my class you don't!" Mr. Matthews interjected, "Friar. Minkus. You're up first." We got up in front of the class and did our entire presentation then watched intently as everyone else went. Then as the bell rang Mr Matthews called my name and said we needed to talk. "We'll talk at lunch?" I asked Farkle, knowing we would actually be doing a lesson in science. He nodded and walked to our next classroom. "Lucas are you ok? I know that you've moved in with maya. Is everything ok?" "I'll be fine Mr. Matthews" I assumed him, "thanks for looking out for me." I then walked to science.

Maya's POV
"Why hello Nervous Nelly, what's got your panties in a twist?" I greeted Lucas as he walked into geometry. "Farkle said he had something to tell me," He informed me, "and he seemed super serious when he said it." "Ooh a mystery!" I cheered. Lucas couldn't help but chuckle. "What do you think it is?" I asked. "I don't know, but he said he'd tell me at lunch so this class is going to be quite stressful for me."

Lucas's POV
After what seemed like forever the bell finally rang for us to go to lunch and maya and I rushed out of the classroom. "Hey Lucas. We need to talk." "Well I'll leave you two alone." Smackle said, walking away. I looked at Maya hintingly. "Consider me gone." She said getting my message. She put her hands up and backed away. "Ok what is it?" I asked once they were all gone. "My mom," Farkle said, "she found the article about us dating." "What did she do?" I asked.

Third Person POV Flashback:::
"Farkle? Are you up there? I need to talk to you! Please come down now honey!" Mrs Minkus yelled up to her teen child. "Im telling you, I already dealt with the problem." Mr. Minkus whispered harshly. "Yeah well you dealt with it wrong so I have to take care of it." She snapped back. Just then farkle was in front of them. "What's up?" Farkle asked as casually as he could, trying as hard as he could not to think about the millions of different, horrible ways that this conversation could end: his parents could ban Lucas from ever coming back there or ground him for forever or ship him off to boarding school or just disown him. His father had a big talk, but at the end of the day he was a push over who would do anything to look good in the eyes of the public. His mother however, did not take shit from anyone, especially not the media. "Farkle can you tell me about this article?" She asked as if she was Mr Matthews asking one of his lesson starting questions. "Are you sure that you want me to tell you about it?" Farkle asked, not looking up from his twiddling thumbs. "Yes in fact i am sure. Now please, tell me all about it." "Well, you see, the picture umm." "Are the allegations true or not?" She asked potently. "They're true." Farkle confessed. "Is that why Lucas has been hanging around here so much?" He nodded. "Well Lucas most definetly can't sleep over anymore that's for sure." She chuckled, "but I would like to have him over for dinner soon." Farkle looked confused. "Well I mean I've met Lucas a few times as your friend but if he's your boyfriend then we need to sit down and get to know this young man." His mother explained. "Then why can't he come over?" Farkle asked. "Honey i said that he can't sleep over and I'd say the same thing if you were dating a girl. If you are going to fool around with someone do it when we're not home. I don't want to walk in on you and I'm sure that you don't either." "But the public!" Farkle's father interjected. "Oh get with the times Stuart! New Tork is practically covered in rainbows. It's about time our house got a little color."

Present day:::
"Lucas she's ok with it! And she wants you to come over tonight after your rehearsal!"

A/N::: they earned this didn't they? Hope you liked it! Love you all! Sincerely, Me, Xoxo -Emma

Song-"Death of a Bachelor" by Panic! At The Disco

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