The Interrogation

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Josh's POV"Ok so boys, how is everything in the lady department?" Carl asked while we studied

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Josh's POV
"Ok so boys, how is everything in the lady department?" Carl asked while we studied. "Well there's this girl." Michael replied. We all leaned in toward him somewhat mockingly. "What's her name?" Jeremy asked. "Casey." He told us, "Casey Gardner. We just met about a week ago, but I feel a connection, you know?" Carl, Jeremy, and I nodded with intrigue. "No. Michael i can't loose you too. Why must you do this? Why tie yourself down to one girl when millions are out there?" James protested. "Because I want to have children someday." Micheal replied. "Ok so settle down someday; have the whole white picket fence the big white wedding with the big black man, but for now, live your college experience! You have to have some fun before you settle down or your life will be nothing but boredom." "I think I've had enough fun for 10 men to settle down James. I really like this girl." "Go ahead. Ruin you're life. As long as I get to be the best man then I don't care. It's you're funeral." "No James it's my wedding. What do you guys think?" "I mean follow your heart dude." I replied, "if you think she's worth leaving this lifestyle then she probably is." "Thank you Josh." "Carl what about you? How are things with Ashely?" I asked. "Honestly I don't know. I really like her but I'm too scared to make any moves. "God don't be such a wimp Stevenson!" Caleb stated as he entered the dorm room, "just ask her out! If she rejects you then you know how she feels!" "But how could I still be friends with her after that? It would be so awkward!" "So? Isn't she worth it?" I asked. "A friend of mine once told me: sometimes you have to do things that scare you." Jeremy added. "Oh yeah this coming from the boy who can barely say hi to anna before running away." James commented on Jeremy's spleel. "Ok ok so maybe I'm not much better than carl but she doesn't exactly make a point of her interest in me." "And Ashely does?" Carl argued. "Yes!" We all shouted at the same time, throwing pillows at him for emphasis. "Ok ok I give. But what about you Matthews? You've been much less of a social butterfly lately." "Guys we should really get back to studying." I changed the subject. "Ok, but you will answer me. Maybe not tonight; but you will." Carl concluded and we resumed studying.

Maya's POV
"Hey you guys ready for sixth period today?" Kyle asked as he walked past Lucas and me. "We made a few changes..." Lucas answered. "Small small changes." I added, seeing how stiff Kyle's face became at Lucas's words. He relaxed his muscles again at my reassurance. "Well then I can't wait to see what you've done with it." He said with a smile I knew was genuine and walked back to his seat. "Thanks for saving my ass." Lucas gratified. "No problem dude. But you owe me. Don't screw up today." "You got it." "So how was studying with Farkle?" "It was good. We did a lot of work on our project and I think that both are history and science projects are right on track." "No dude like what did you actually do?" "Worked on our project." He answered with a look of confusion on his face. "Dude you can tell me." "Oh no we actually just did our project. I mean we made out a little but, nothing more." "Then why were you so tired when you got home?" I asked him. "We did a lot of work. It was tiring." "Whatever you say, Huckleberry." I replied, still not believing his argument. Those two don't just do work. It's not like them.

Smackle's POV
"Maya told me that you had a little time with Lucas last night." I stated, barely looking at the pale brunette boy I was talking to. "Yeah we worked on our projects. It was nice." "Oh come on Farkle, don't lie to me." I replied. "Im not lying." He argued, "we just worked on our project." "Farkle im not stupid. The famous Lucas and Farkle don't just "work on their projects." "I swear Smackle that is all that we did." "Whatever you say." I replied, still not buying his argument. Those two couldn't keep off of each other if they tried.

A/N::: do you think that they did anything? That question will never be definitely answered I can tell you that. So it's all up to you. Also I might miss a few days next week because I have standardized testing but I'll try to right over the weekend! Hope you liked it! Love you all! Sincerely, Me, Xoxo -Emma

Song-"Boys Will Be Boys" by Benny

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