The Game Of Dress Up

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Maya's POV"Honey I'm home!" Lucas shouted, "Let's make you look pretty!" "Thank you for coming Lucas, I don't usually go to fancy dinner things like this

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Maya's POV
"Honey I'm home!" Lucas shouted, "Let's make you look pretty!" "Thank you for coming Lucas, I don't usually go to fancy dinner things like this." "I can tell. Your dress at the school dance? Honey, red is not your color." "So what is?" I asked. "Light blue." He answered, pulling out a black bag with a hanger hook sticking out. "Lucas, where did you get that?" "I told Farkle about our little problem and he went out with me to buy us outfits." He told me." "Oh my god let me see it!" He pulled out a baby blue dress with a laced bodice and silver belt. "So, what do you think?" I could barely breathe, much less form words. So I just ran toward him and wrapped my arms around him. "Ok let's go get you ready. I'm thinking we curl your hair put some pink on those lips, maybe add a little lip gloss, some nude eyeshadow. Josh won't be able to keep it in his pants. We'll be lucky if he doesn't just bang you on their fridge." His words brought me back to the day before. I bit my lip and smiled.

Josh's POV
"Hello lover boy!" Jacob greeted, "nice timing, I was just about to get ready." "Well I would love your expertise." "Of course you would. My taste is much better than yours." "Very funny. Will you help me?"

Smackle's POV
"You look like a 1950's model!" Casey cheered, "Lindsey will you do me next?" "Why?" I asked, "Do you have another date with Micheal?" "Maybe." She looked down at her knees and Lindsey and I cheered.

Charlie's POV
"Looking quite dapper." I complimented Kyle's suit. "Why thank you so are you." he replied, "Smackle should like it." He adjusted my white bow tie. "That's the plan." I replied. "I believe in you man. You got this." He assured me. "That is anything but true." I replied. "Hey hey hey; anything is true if you believe. Believing is what makes it true. It's all about the way you carry yourself; never forget that." I nodded, admiring Kyle's spirit.

Third Person POV
"Ok who is ready for this party tonight?" Anna asked her friends as she slid on her star necklace. "Umm me!" Ashely replied, "I'm so excited to see maya again!" Kira and Anna nodded in agreement. "Can you clasp my bracelet for me Ash?" Ashely nodded and walked over to Kira who was doing her eyeshadow. Kira extended her hand out and Ashely clasped the pearl bracelet around her friends wrist. "Oh my god Kira can you do my make up?" Anna asked Kira nodded and directed Anna to sit in the seat she had preciously occupied. "So what kind of look are we going for here?" Just then Caleb walked in. "What do you ladies think?" He asked twirling for them. "Ooh." Kira and Anna commented. "Yeah you look great now can you zip me?" Ashely asked. The boy nodded and helped her get ready.

"Why do you look so dressed up?" Micheal asked, entering his dorm room to see his roommate, Jeremy in a navy blue suit. "I'm going to s dinner at Josh's brother's house tonight." "Ok well you need to make me look as good as you." Micheal ordered. "And why is that?" Jeremy asked. "I got a date." Micheal bragged.

Zay's POV
"You look beautiful." I said to Riley as she stepped out in her dress. She smiled at my compliment and went to help her mother get ready for their dinner party. "How do I look?" Auggie asked, jumping into my eyesight. "You look like me." I commented. "Good." He decided and ran back to his room. "Can i help you all with anything?" I asked, "my mama always says it's bad to eat someone else's dinner without helping prepare it or clean it." Mrs. Matthews nodded and directed me as to how I could help.

Third Person POV
"You boys ready to head over to Josh and Jacob's room?" Jeremy asked, entering Carl and James' dorm. "Yeah dude." Carl answered. The three of them walked together what felt like across campus to their friends' dorm. "You guys ready?" James asked upon their enternece. "Yeah. Ashely texted me to say that the girls and Caleb will be meeting us there later so we're just gonna go without them." The three nodded and all of the five boys walked out to Josh's car.

A/N::: im so sorry i haven't published in like three days. I've just been super tired and busy, but tomorrow's chapter is already written so that will come out sort of on time I guess. Also if you did or did not watch the tonys the musical that I love so much and reference in my outro won best musical of the season! Hope you liked it! Love you all! Sincerely, Me, Xoxo -Emma

Song-"A Night to Remember" by Cast of High School Musical 3

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