The Practice Before the Perfect

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Josh's POV"Yo dudes that class was absolute shit! We're gonna have to pull an all nighter just to pass his stupid test

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Josh's POV
"Yo dudes that class was absolute shit! We're gonna have to pull an all nighter just to pass his stupid test." "You said it dude" Jeremy agreed. "So you guys wanna do it in our room?" James offered. "Will Carl be cool with it?" I asked. James nodded. "Yeah i don't want you guys failing and having to live on campus for another year. Someone has to pay the rent for our apartment." Carl spoke, entering my dorm room. "I'll meet you guys there at 5:30?" We all nodded once and my friends walked out, leaving me alone in my room. A few minutes later Eric bursted through my door. "Party tomorrow night!!!" She screamed. "Do I have to go?" I whined. "Yes but I won't make you drink." "Promise?" I asked. "Pinky swear." She promised, we interlocked fingers and she promised not to peer pressure me into anything whatsoever. "Good. I'll go." "Yay!" She cheered. "But right now I have to go to James and Carl's room to study." "I'll miss you." She called after me. Making herself at home in my bed. This was something she did often. I locked the door behind me and told Jacob where i was and where Eric was so that he wouldn't be surprised when he got back to the dorms.

Maya's POV
"Ok so tomorrow you guys are preforming when you're home so let's practice that first. So I want it to start with you guys in chairs. Lucas get up after come with me and bring her down left. Then come up on "everything is easier when you're home." I want you two up center for that refrain and then bring her back left when the tour starts again. Then go right on "cool us down." Then maya; i want you to move forward when you say "don't say that" then Lucas follow her on "what's wrong" then maya takes one more step on the second "don't say that" so that the whole thing about how she lost her way happens down right. Then Benny's thing will be bringing us center and you'll start moving on "find your way again" so that you're center for "we knew her then" and then you guys should do some creative things with the chairs and I trust you for that and then I need you both center and in front of the chairs for that last "I'm/You're Home"." He instructed. "Sounds good." Lucas concluded. We ran it through the way that Kyle had suggested and it felt perfect.  Kyle gave us a booming round of applause. "A+ for everyone!" He cheered. "Ok so we can work on sunrise tomorrow; run it once Thursday and then work on your original scene whenever you guys are free on the weekend and Monday afternoon." We nodded. My parents were going to be out over the weekend so I was going to invite josh over and Lucas was going to Farkle's. Who knows whether we'll even have spare time to breathe. Kyle left and Lucas said he was headed to Farkle's to "work on a project." I knew what that meant and I was too lazy to stop it. I was alone until my mom got back from dinner or Shawn got back from his "big important dinner" which is what he called his weekly boys night outs with Mr Matthews. Those went on forever, but neither would be gone long enough for josh to come over so, for now, I was alone. I felt my phone buz in my pocket
Boing- hey beautiful
Maya- you free this weekend
Boing- you know I am
Maya- good
Boing- why
Maya- my parents are going out of town...
Boing- what about Lucas?
Maya- he has plans of his own. I'll see you Saturday?
Boing- can't wait.
This weekend was going to be fun.

Lucas's POV
"Hey cutie!" Farkle greeted. "Hi." I replied, smiling wider than I previously thought possible. I guess that was just the affect Farkle had on me. I was always happier around him. He led me up to his room even though I knew the way by heart because it was fun to have him show me the way. The way to his room and the way to this new world I had never anticipated being exposed to.

A/N::: Oh god im getting boring aren't I. Well hopefully i haven't put you to sleep just yet. I finished reading my book for English last night and it was so good! Hope you liked it! Love you all! Sincerely, Me, Xoxo -Emma

Song-"When You're Home" written by Lin Manuel Miranda; originally performed by Mandy Gonzales and Christopher Jackson

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