The Polite Goodbyes And Impatient Hellos

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Third Person POV
"Well this has been very fun but I'm afraid that we must get back to our dorms now." Josh stated, standing up from the table. "Yeah and I have to get these crazy kids home." Farkle added, looking at Lucas and Maya. Everyone stood and walked out of the apartment building. "It was so good to see you again maya. We need to hang out again sometime. Just us girls." Ashely said once they were in the hall, "here just put in your phone number and I will make a group chat with you, Kira, Anna, Erica, Lina and I so we can figure out when to hang out and just talk." Maya did as instructed and hugged the three girls before the two groups headed their separate ways.

Maya's POV
Lucas and Farkle were all over each other the walk to his house. I finally let the crazy kids go on there way because if that's what they did on the street then I did not want to see what would happen in the comfort of their own home. I got back to my house and plopped on the couch, unlocking my phone to read a text from my best friend.
Riley- I wish you could spend the night!
Maya- me too, but my parents are gone and I really don't want to leave Lucas home alone ya know?
Riley- yeah I get it but we have to hang out soon
I felt bad lying to her but what else was u supposed to do?

Josh's POV
"Dude you're family is awesome." Jeremy commented on the walk back to campus. "That Smackle girl was a hoot." James added. "Ew James she's like fifteen!" Ashely chocked. "Chill dude! I'm not saying I wanna climb in her panties or anything! No need to get yours all up in a twist!" "Maya looked so pretty though don't you guys think?" Kira spoke, getting in between James and Ashely's budding rage. "So pretty." Ashely agreed, and immediately her anger toward James was replaced with delights for Maya's outfit, hair and makeup. "She made us look like pigs." Anna added. "No one could do that." Jeremy whispered, barely loud enough for me to hear, let alone anyone else in the group. "Well guys I'm gonna go for a walk," I announced, "where I'm going I don't know but I'm getting out of here. See you losers later."

Farkle's POV
"Finally we're alone." I said once the front door had closed. I pushed Lucas up against the wall and connected our lips happily. My hands began unbuttoning his blue collared shirt as he shook off his suit jacket. My lips sucked on his neck as I undid the last three buttons and untucked the shirt from his pants.

Lucas's POV
"Shouldn't we go upstairs?" I asked as my shirt fell down my arms. "In a minute" Farkle replied, separating his lips from my chest. I laughed and let my head fall back. I took a minute in the midst of this joyful bliss to think about how happy I was with Farkle. However I still felt things nipping at me. Maybe it was how I couldn't tell anyone about this. I had to keep this from Zay, ny best friend since we were little. I had never kept anything from him before, definitely not something this big. I was hiding it from Riley, my little ray of light! The girl who made me who I am, who saved me from the boy I was in Texas and turned me into a gentle soul. The person I wanted to be. How could I keep this from them?

Maya's POV
"Heyo!" Josh yelled as he entered the house. "Shhh!" I whispered, "we have neighbors!" "Oh right! Hello beautiful." He corrected with a smirk, stroking my cheek and letting his hand find my lower back. He pulled me into him and greeted me with a kiss before loosening his grip and looking down at me sweetly. I looked up at him and smiled before grabbing his hair in my hand and pulling our lips together again. In that moment I knew that the happiness he gave me was worth all of the sacrifices I made.

A/N:: it's about to get super sad and dramatic in like two chapters so look out! Sorry I didn't post over the weekend. I started binging three new shows and then I had to do some stuff to start on my algebra 2 for the summer. Hope you liked it! Love you all! Sincerely, Me, Xoxo -Emma

Song-"Won't Go Home Without You" by Maroon 5

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