The Fear In Her Eyes

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Erica's POVI woke up the next morning with a huge headache, unable to remember anything from the night before

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Erica's POV
I woke up the next morning with a huge headache, unable to remember anything from the night before. I turned to my right to see Matt lying with his eyes closed, hair in his face and chest bare. I screamed internally and carefully slipped out of the bed and grabbed my phone and clothes off of the bedside table before dressing myself as quickly and quietly as possible. I tip-toed out of the room, closing the door as quietly as possible and called Josh. "Good morning!" He answered cheerily, passively taunting me with his sobriety. "What have I done?" I asked him. I can't believe that I could've been so stupid! Did he use protection? Did I take my birth control yesterday? I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear Josh talking to me through the phone "what?" I asked. "Do you need me to pick you up?" He repeated kindly. Josh was such a good friend. I nodded in response to his question before realizing that he couldn't actually see me. "Yes please" I whined quietly. "Where are you?" He asked; I walked outside and gave him the address, "I'll be right there." He assured me. He wasn't lying either. Within five minutes his black van was right in front of my face. I lifted myself into the seat and pulled the buckle across my body. "Thank you so much." I sighed once I was secure in the passenger seat. "No problem." He replied, "To your dorm room?" "Umm actually can we stop at CVS? I need to get something. It's urgent." "What do you need?" He asked. "Umm plan b one step." I admitted. "Erica did he not--" "i don't know." I interrupted. "Aren't you on--" "I forget to take it sometimes." I answered before he could finish. "Are you sure that you want to do this?" He asked, "You don't even know if you need it. Don't you have seventy two hours? Are you sure that you don't want to do some research on this first? I know a great coffee place." "How could I do this?" I asked, ignoring his question. "Erica you were drunk. You can't blame yourself. I'm sorry that I let you go. I should have dragged you home. I just--I don't know what I thought." "What do i do now?" I asked, "How do I face him now? What if he hates me? What if he likes me?" "Do you like him?" "You know that I do Josh. But I can't do anything about it! Parties are my life! If I'm not the crazy party girl then who am I?" "You're Erica! You're the funny sweet beautiful girl who hangs with the guys and makes everyone twenty times happier with her smile. And the girl who's going to be a therapist and a psychologist and a CEO with her double major in business and psychology! The girl who can ace a test with the biggest hang over you've ever seen. You're a freaking miracle worker Erica. Whether your single or in a relationship or dunk or sober or partying or studying you are perfect. And you'd be en amazing mother if and when you're ready for it. If you're ready now then I'll be there for you. If you aren't then I'll be there for you. No matter what, it's you and me, always." "But what about Matt?" I asked, what do i do?" "What you think you should do. No not what you think you should do, what you want to do."

Josh's POV
I pulled into a parking spot near Topanga's after circling around different blocks for a few hours and walked in with Erica. I headed to the counter and felt my phone buzz and pulled it out. text from MattyJ. Matt texted. I kept my phone close to me as I unlocked my phone and read the text
Matt- Is Erica with you? Is she alright?
Josh- she's with me. Everything is ok.
Matt- does she hate me?
Josh- I definitely don't think that she hates you.
Matt- can i see her? Where are you guys?
Josh- You know that cafe called Topanga's?
Matt- yeah...
Josh- well I'm not telling you that that is where we are... but it might be a good place to check...
Matt- thank you Josh
I knew that Erica might be mad at me for telling Matt where we were but I knew he was good for her. Whether she wanted to be with him or not was her decision, but she had to make it, and the sooner she did, the better. I put my phone back in my pocket and dodged all of Jessica's questions about who I was talking to, changing our discussion topic to casual conversation. Soon enough the bell on the front door rang innocently to introduce Matt's entrance. "What's he doing here?" She whispered. "Maybe he likes the coffee here better than on campus." I suggested. She scoffed at me and turned toward where Matt was standing. As her eyes looked him up and down I saw a certain fear in her eyes. A fear of the unknown, I suppose. A fear of her feelings for him that she couldn't stop or hide. "Hi." Matt greeted awkwardly, smacking his lips together at the end with a slight wave. "I'll leave you two kids alone." I stated, putting my hands on the table to push myself out of my chair and exiting the café.

A/N::: i love this chapter so much. Sorry there is no gmw moments but I am pretty proud of this chapter. Hope you liked it! Love you all! Sincerely, Me, Xoxo -Emma

Song-"Breathe (2am)" by Anna Nalick

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