The Realization

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Lucas's POV"How's my blonde beauty?" I asked when maya entered

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Lucas's POV
"How's my blonde beauty?" I asked when maya entered. "You are actually the most annoying person in the entire world." She replied. "Hey you guys. So Derik's partner got really sick and will not be here for any of our three presentation days; do you mind if I put him with you guys as a sort of director figure?" "Yeah of course." I replied. She smiled and led Derik to our table. "So what are you guys doing for your projects?" "Well, we're doing "When You're Home" from "In The Heights" for our project on Wednesday, "Sunrise" from "In The Heights" on Friday and here is our original scene for Tuesday." Maya explained. "Can I edit it?" He asked. We looked at each other and nodded. "Thanks. And those are some really great choices for unoriginals. I love "In The Heights". Everyone is planning on doing Romeo and Juliet or some cliche shit like that. Y'all are different. I like it." "Ok so we're practicing at our house after school." I spoke, "you can come if you want." "You both live there?" He questioned. "Yeah, he's living with me now." Maya answered. "For reasons that we can discuss when we get there." I finished for her. She nodded in agreement and Derik got to work on examining our script.

Maya's POV
Lucas and I spent all of class looking over the lyrics to "When You're Home" since that was our first performance. "Here's my address. You can meet us there whenever." I told him, handing him a sticky note with my address on it. He nodded in understanding and took the sticky note from my hand. Just then the bell ring and Lucas and I left for my place. "What about baseball?" I asked. "I had to quit." He told me, "I needed to get my parent to sign something and I can't really do that." "My dad could've signed it." I argued. He shook his head. "No he couldn't have. Your dad isn't my legal guardian." "That's dumb." I stated. He laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders squeezing me into him. "It's cool; baseball took too much time out of my day anyway." We walked the rest of the way to my house in silence. "Hey guys so this scene really is amazing." Derik announced as he entered "Thank you." I curtsied. "but," he added, "it kind of sounds like you two aren't really telling the same story. They are very similar stories, yes, but they're not the same; you're not talkinf to each other. So I talked it over with Ms Martin and she said that I could have you each talking to imaginary third and fourth persons. So here are my edits if you want to go in that direction and if you want to keep it with the two of you talking to each other then I made this version where you are actually telling the same story. It's really up to you." I nodded still somewhat awe struck by how much work he was putting in to this project. Lucas and I looked them both over."I like the imaginary persons version." I decided. "Me too." Lucas agreed, "So," he added after a long pause. "So," i repeated. "About what was said in history..." "What are we going to do with Riley?" I asked, reading his mind. "Yeah what's up with her?" Derik spoke up. "Oh well this morning in history..." I started but he cut me off. "I know what happened. I'm in your history class. I just want to know why." "Wait you're in our history class?" Lucas asked. Derik nodded. "Long story." "Ok well all of my life I've been well protecting Riley from all of the bad things out in the world. We call it the Riley Committee. We've been doing it her whole life so that we can keep her light in our lives." "Well that's dumb." Derik commented, "yeah that was a good idea in middle school but she's in high school now. You can't protect her her entire life." "But i don't want her to have to go through all that. It's going to be hard on her." I argued. "That's life!" He replied, "Has life ever been hard for you?" He asked me; I nodded, "What about you?" He asked Lucas who nodded as well, "See? Everyone goes through hardships. It's a fact of life. And if you try to protect someone from those hardships then you're not letting them live. It's almost as bad as stealing all of their oxygen."

A/N::: Ok guys so Derik is gonna change to Kyle next chapter-- they are the same person. Anyway I'm so tired today. Hope you liked it! Love you all! Sincerely, Me, Xoxo -Emma

Song-"Little Lady" by Ed Sheeran

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