The Dinner Guests

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Josh's POV
I walked in the room and immediately my eyes were drawn to maya. She looked absolutely stunning. I wanted to grab her right there and then and kiss her as passionately as possible. However my family was around so that wasn't going to happen. I couldn't wait for this dinner to be over so that I could be alone with her.

Maya's POV
I got up and walked over to greet the college kids with Riley. "Did you bring your calculus homework with you?" I asked, commenting on Josh's outfit. "I told him to loose the suspenders but he just wouldn't listen!" Jacob agreed and pulled me in for a hug.

Jacob's POV
I turned my attention from Josh's blondie to the tall brunette girl next to her. "I'm Jacob." I greeted. "Riley." She replied. "Pleasure to meet you." I said with a smile before moving to the next high schooler.

Carl's POV
I looked between Josh and Maya trying to figure out how I didn't notice their sparks before. They're good at hiding their affection but you can see it in their eyes if you know what you're looking for.

Riley's POV
The way that Josh's friends looked at maya sparked a bit of suspicion in me, but Maya would tell me if she had something with Josh. She's my best friend. We tell each other everything. She would never keep something this big from me, right?

James' POV
"What's you're name?" I asked a tan, black haired girl. "My name is Smackle but you don't have to tell me yours, I already know it." "Oh and what name would that be?" I asked her, intrigued and amused. "I'm going with dreamboat." "Close it's actually James. But dream boat works too." I took her hand in mine and kissed it before letting her go and continuing down the line of high schoolers.

Smackle's POV
I looked over at Charlie after James let me go to see him practically boiling with anger. It felt good to have someone get that jealous over me. It made me feel special.

Ashely's POV
"Do you have the apartment number?" I asked Caleb. He nodded and kept leading the way. "Why are we going to this party? There won't be any alcohol." He complained. "To see maya." And carl I thought. Just then Caleb stopped in his tracks indicating that we had reached the Matthews' door.

Auggie's POV
"Is uncle josh here?" I yelled, trampling out of my room. I saw all of the tall boys standing by the door and rushed over. "Sup little man?" One greeted, scooping me up. "I don't know if I trust you with my nephew James." Josh told him. "Relax." He commanded, "I was a camp counselor."

Anna's POV
"You sure we can't just walk back to campus now? I love this family and all but the girls here aren't of age" "Shut up, Caleb! We want to see maya again!" Kira scolded. "Yeah a s we're not going to let you ruin it!" I agreed and opened the door.

Jeremy's POV
My eyes went wide as Anna entered the room. She is stunningly beautiful without even trying, but now, seeing her all dressed up, I felt like I was in heaven; seeing the most beautiful angel of them all. She went around and said hi to all of the high schoolers then made her way over to me. "Are all of these kids as cool as Maya?" She asked. "I mean no one can be as cool as Maya, but these kids are pretty a'ight." She nodded and we all sat down for dinner.

Caleb's POV
"Riley told me that you played baseball." I said, walking up to Zay. "Umm yeah." He replied. "You thinking about doing it in college?" "Maybe." "My friend Jeff did that. He loves it but it takes a whole lot of work." "I think I can handle it." He assured me.

Kyle's POV
"I didn't know you were friends with these guys!" My brother said as I took a seat beside him. "Yeah maya walked up to me one day and was like, "are you Kyle Stevenson?" And I was like "yeah" and we've been friends ever since." "Nice bro. We gotta catch up soon. Wanna do lunch tomorrow?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I replied. It was good to see my brother again, but I still couldn't shake how much I missed Lindsey.

Kira's POV
When I came out of the bathroom everyone was back at the dining room table. As I walked over to them Jacob and I made eye contact. Before I even reached the table Jacob had slid down and was offering me a seat right next to him. I would never admit this to anyone but Jacob really was a sweetheart.

A/N::: decided I'd give you a little glimpse into the college kids' heads. Hope you liked it! Love you all! Sincerely, Me, Xoxo -Emma

Song-"Why Ya Wanna" by Jana Kramer

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