Chapter S

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Something that painful

Adressing a matter that concerns no one else

Daring the world to make you a target

Needing to hide and cure yourself of the disease

Easing yourself out of the cave that holds you

Sensing that you'll never be the same

Scaring away the evil that tries to consume you

Shadow Friends

The shadows are safe

They hold me when I am alone

They laugh when I smile

They clear my mind

Of silly insanities

All of my shadow friends love me

They love me-all me only me

From my sadness to my happiness

From my shyness to my awkward outbursts

I trust them

They know me and care about me

Anyone outside looking in

Would call it depression

Where my shadow friends see joy

Everyone else sees fear and guilt

They think that I think 

I am guilty for loving my shadows

That is were they are wrong

With my shadow friends comes happiness

With anything else comes loneliness

They say that the shadows

Are figments of my imagination

When my shadow friends went away

I felt sad. But to everyone else 

I looked happy

Sing Me To An Endless Sleep

Pale as the moon I seek to see

I want to know why I am stuck

In this endless dreamless sleep.

To have you as a friend was luck

To have you kiss me was unnatural

You called it a golden future

I was going to be your angel

Smiling was to agree but then i saw the glimmer

Oh how your teeth shown

No protest could stop the slice in my neck

The pain was to much for me as I changed alone

I wanted to die in the sweet of his nectar

When I awoke again He smiled

I didn't want to cry nor live through the pain

I was brand-new, a savage. I was wild

As I was undead i lived in vain

killing become an untold passion

My master was horrified at what he created

My silent eyes turned from black to crimson

I had been an angel and become a burned rosebud

Finally He gave me an option 

I knew not how to choose

Pick one... pick a poison

I gave in suddenly needing to fix my miscues

And now I am here today

A more solid strong

I feel the need to celebrate tonight

Because I have told you a life song...

Poetry Is My MusicTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon