Chapter L

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Learn To Listen

Sight before eyes-

Or is it eyes before sight?

I know not

Nor do I care

The sight before my eyes

Is red- fresh and flowing

An open wound?

Yes, a wound that cries

This wound cries of red

Red tears fall

A wound that may never heal

Time is no cure

Forgive me, Wise Heart

I have forgotten my manners

I bow and bestow before you

What cure is needed for you?

Please, I didn't want to-

But the choice was not

Mine to forbid

I couldn't pretend any longer

A wound on my heart

A scar on my soul

Please stop- My only request

Stop beating

I want to die

Wilt death come freedom

and wilt it come for me?

It is my only hope now

Why must I go on so-

So what?

Afraid and trapped

A peaceful depression, too say

For now I Farewell

Maybe you shall hear-

Not hear but listen

Listen to my wind

My wind that caresses you

And soothes you so

Maybe you shall learn

Learn what? I hear you say

Learn to listen


Love bites

Its not worth it if no one fights for it

What would you do if you were bit?

Fitted with a destiny full of fear

Too deaf to hear it coming

Running away from its killing strike

Your hit and stuck forever

Almost entirety. So I ask again

What would you do

If love bit you?  

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