Chapter I

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I Am A Puzzle

I bleed untearingly

for I forsee my future

It is grim

But understandable

I know my destiny

But I fear my fate

If you must know

For you seek the answer

I may be a puzzle with missing pieces

But I know I must not give up my search

It is the feeling of being loved I look for

But I know now I am uncared for

I wish upon the stars

For one last glimpse of hope

If you show yourself in my dreams, i will not see

But I may yearn for you again

I care unconditionally for you

But you seem not to see

It scars my soul to see you run

If you look closely I am torn and broken

I must decide between black and white

But the gray between is fading

If I dream of the missing pieces, I can see you

But you don't know the whole me yet

I must know where to look

If I want to find my treasure

I Love You

Every night I dream

But I seem to fail to see your love

Please always be with me

Because I love you 

Roses are red violets are blue, 

Have I mentioned I'm in love with you?

Please be mine

Your all I've ever wanted

Don't slip away like yesterday

Because I love you

If you leave

Now that I have finally found you

I will cry out my soul and grieve

Because I love you

I beg you to stay

I want you to love me

Please feel my pain if you leave

Because I love you

I'm Not Pretending

Love seems like a dream

Too far away to reach

Too hard to try

Too easy to forget about

We all pretend

Everyone plays the game 

"I love so-and-so"

But do we really?

When we finally love

When your not forcing yourself

We get scared

Nobody cares if its true

Once we do feel love

And don't care what others think

We embrace the feeling

As if it were a long lost friend

What if I were to say,

Love wasn't an impossible dream,

That it was real and true

And I felt that way about you? 


I stand and walk tall,

Though I'm not.

I speak aloud and my mind,

Though nothing is heard.

I shed tears,

But not a drop falls.

I wear a smile,

Though there is no shine.

I feel pain,

Though I show not.

I have hate,

Though I speak not.

I can love,

Though I've not a chance.

I am patient,

few people are worthy of it.

No one can contest to who I am,

Though I do.

I pretend not to care,

and I do.

I can make more wishes,

But I know none will come true.

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