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So now here I am. In the arms of one of my best mates. A bearded ugly fat lousy man sobbing his heart out.

"I killed her Cam, she is dead because of fucking me."

"Don't blame yourself, out of everything, that's what she told you not to do."

I just shook my head. I knew I promised but bloody hell, how can I not? If I never dated Naomi or if I never stepped a foot into Auntie Ann's Burger Joint, she would still fucking be here. Alive. Not worm food. The guilt always came. No matter how hard I tried it would always come.

"I can't do this anymore Cam,"


"I can't."

"Buddy, I know," his voice began to crack, "I know it's tough, but you have to stay strong for me mate. For Ben, Sam, James. We need you man. The fans. They can't do it without you man."

I nodded while wiping my eyes.

"You'll find a new gir--"

"Shut up."

"Ok." He put his hands up in defense.

"I'm sorry, I just can't..."

"Stay alive or find someone new?"

"Find someone new."

He nodded. I wiped my nose in a very non-attractively way and looked out the window.

"I need her."

Cam stayed quiet, he knew he shouldn't say a word. He just started the car and began to drive.

I stared at the window and saw someone who looked like her. My heart raced. "Cam! Stop!"

He hit the breaks and I stared at the girl. She looked nothing like her. I shook my head a sniffed. Cam sighed then continued to drive. I couldn't do this. Not today, not anyday. I missed her so fucking much.


"Alright, Dan we're going to warm up to someone, somewhere first. Sound good?"

I finished my water bottle and nodded a little bit. I set it down then went in front of the mic.

I took a deep breath then began to warm up to 'Someone, somewhere.'

Then, I got to the part that I forgot was there...

"I like to imagine,

You smile when you hear my songs."

All I saw was looking to the side of stage and a singing Sarabeth would be smiling and jumping down a long with us. I stopped my vocals and one by one everyone stopped.

"Dan.." Ben tried. I shook my head and threw my ear piece to the side and ran out the door. They were going to kick me out anyway.

I turned on music on my phone and found myself walking into the cemetery. I knew this walk by heart. Every step I took, I felt shittier and shittier. I found the gravestone and stared down


September 28th, 1992- October 8th, 2014.

Best friend, lover, cousin, angel.

I saw my reflection in the stone and fell to my knees. I ran my thumb over the engravings then laid on my back with my headphones in. It was the closest thing that I could have to have her by my side again.

Another You by Of Mice and Men came on and my heart beat slowed down.

White walls

Filled with nothing

But nervous paces

All around I see.

Something's off

Inside of myself.

I see it in their faces.

Say anything, say anything,

Say anything that can make this all okay.

Take it away, take it away,

Take away all of this emptiness I feel

'Cause I will never find another you.

Another you, another you.

I still hear you in this house (whispering).

I still feel you in my bones (in these veins).

And like the portraits in the halls (can't help but think),

I wish you were staring back at me (but you're gone).

Say anything, say anything,

Say anything that can make this all okay.

Take it away, take it away.

Take away all of this emptiness I feel

'Cause I will never find another (I may never find myself)

I will never find another you

So I'll carry you with me in my dreams, my memory.

So I'll carry you with me (you'll always be with me) in my dreams, my memory.

So I'll carry you with me, you'll always be my memory.

Say anything, say anything,

Say anything that can make this all okay.

Take it away, take it away.

Take away all of this emptiness I feel

'Cause I will never find another (I may never find myself)

And I will never find another you.

Tears streamed down my face as a slide show of us were playing through my head. I clutched the grass and tried to keep myself from screaming out in agony.

I felt a hand on my knee and propped up on my elbows. I saw my band sitting there. Sam's hand was on my knee and he gave me a sympathetic look. I opened my mouth to apologize but before words could come out,

"We know," James said.

Ben laid next to me, soon the rest of the guys all laid near me. We all stared up at the sky hoping an angel named Sarabeth would be watching over us.

"When you're dying you become religious."

She was right ya'know.

The end


It's over. It is actually over.

The amount of tears, stress, and giggles I put into this was simply outrageous. Thank you all for your constant support for my stories. Bless all your humble hearts and encouraging me to finish. Nobody wanted this to end the way it did. Hell I didn't. I found myself to be evil.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and read more stories to come. Bless x

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